Saturday, October 24, 2020

Assata Shakur

Who is Assata Shakur? Learn more from Democracy Now with Amy Goodman:

Assata Shakur in Her Own Words: Rare Recording of Activist Named to FBI Most Wanted Terrorist List:

Eyes Of The Rainbow - a documentary film with Assata Shakur. only about 40 minutes long, this beautiful film allows her to tell a little bit of her story, interspersed with african musical and dance interludes. I was particularly impressed with what she had to say about living in Cuba, where she has been in exile, contrasting it very favorably with life in the U.S..

Finally, here's a little excerpt from her autobiography.

"Like most poor people in the United States, I have no voice. The Black press and the progressive media, as well as Black civil rights organizations, have historically played an essential role in the struggle for social justice. We should continue and expand that tradition. We should create media outlets that help to educate our people and our children, and not annihilate their minds. I am only one woman. I own no TV stations or radio stations or newspapers. But I believe that people need to be educated as to what is going on and to understand the connection between the news media and the instruments of repression in America. All I have are my voice, my spirit and the will to tell the truth. But I sincerely ask those of you in the Black media, those of you in the progressive media and those of you who believe in truth and freedom to publish my story.' 

I've only read the first chapter thus far, in which she recounts a prolonged brutal, harrowing, and traumatic experience with American police.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hope For Monsters

While the concept of god is somewhat reasonable (how did everything get here?), it's clearly artificial, and varies from culture to culture. How unorthodox one's views are in the matter is generally a pretty good indication of how independently and critically one thinks (or fails to). Shersonally, i have long thought that any god that's judgmental and punitive, such as those of 'conservative' christian sects, is a monster, and anyone who believes in and worships such a god is too, to the extent it colors their thinking and behavior.

This has caused and continues to cause me great consternation. Although i'm inclined to hate such sheeple, i'm not inclined to wish them suffering, for unlike them, i don't believe humans possess free will, and thus shouldn't be punished for 'bad' behavior (being held accountable is another matter). I don't want anyone to burn in hell for eternity.

I don't even wish to see such sheeple dead, because humans are capable of radical change, at least sometimes. A great example of this is Megan Phelps Roper, a woman who was raised in a very cultish christian fundamentalist church which became famous for it's hatred and intolerance. She gradually changed and left her church. In this 15 minute TED talk, she briefly explains how and why, and what she learned from it. I think it's well worth a listen.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Stunningly Full Of 'It'

(this was written just prior to media reports that trump has contracted covid 19)

the great george carlin once said on stage that america was 'stunningly full of... something which can't be printed in a 'family' newspaper, so let's just say 'it'. this was in reference to our founding fathers, most specifically thomas jefferson, slave holder and author of the declaration of independence and it's famous words 'all men are created equal... with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'.

decades of independent thinking, reading, and observation have led me to the same conclusion. here in 2020, after 4 years with a president who has been accused by over a dozen women of rape or lesser sexual assaults, a president who likes to promote himself as a great businessman in spite of having filed for bankruptcy for failed business ventures almost as many times as cats are said to have lives (9), who claims to be a genius in spite of having an obviously limited vocabulary and intellect, who sides with white supremacists, abusive and murderous police officers, and oligarchs of all stripes against the interests of common people... i could go on and on... who expresses admiration for murderous right wing dictators and contempt for activists like those in black lives matter, who smears all of his opponents with labels which often can't be backed by any facts or reasons... who brags about being a tax evader if not an outright cheat...

it's difficult to believe that america's president has ever been more stunningly full of 'it' than right now. it's incredible to witness how broad and loyal his base of support is. one can only conclude that these supporters are as stunningly full of 'it' as he is. which is downright scary.

i think our situation may be perilously similar to 1932 in germany. we may be on the precipice of a plunge into fascism and a right wing paramilitaristic reign of terror such has not been seen in our world since that infamous 'third reich'. a potential nightmare scenario not only for america, but the whole planet.

this brings to mind a quote i don't recall precisely, something like 'for evil to triumph, good men must remain silent'. i'm not entirely happy with that idea. i think it places far too much responsibility on the shoulders of 'good men', when in fact throughout history there have always been at least a few very brave individuals, women and men both, who at great personal risk have spoken out against powerful evil. there have been many martyrs without any substantial, permanent change for the better. yet, that call to action can't be silenced, or completely ignored.

so this is my feeble, pathetic effort to slay evil as i see it by speaking out. living in n.y., a state which is believed to be solidly democratic in this presidential election, i feel free to vote my conscience, which i intend to do by voting for the green party's superb candidate (who happens to be from syracuse), howie hawkins. however, if i lived in pennsylvania, a state believed to be hotly contested in this presidential election, i think i'd hold my proverbial nose and vote for 'the lesser evil', joe biden. i believe what's going on in america, this movement under trump towards a xenophobic, racist, ultra-nationalistic fascist state (with the most powerful military capable of destroying all life on the planet many times over) must be stopped!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Pleasure And Violence

i've previously posted mentioned the work of james w. prescott,, a neuropsychologist whose main topic of interest and study is the inverse relationship between pleasure and violence in human societies, focused on childhood and early adult developmental influences like mother-child bonding and 'adolescent' sexual freedom. i just came across another one of his highly recommended articles. an excerpt is posted below, followed by a link to the whole article.


Unless the causes of violence are isolated and treated, we will continue to live in a world of fear and apprehension. Unfortunately, violence is often offered as a solution to violence. Many law enforcement officials advocate 'get tough' policies as the best method to reduce crime. Imprisoning people, our usual way of dealing with crime, will not solve the problem, because the causes of violence lie in our basic values and the way in which we bring up our children and youth. Physical punishment, violent films and TV programs teach our children that physical violence is normal. But these early life experiences are not the only or even the main source of violent behavior. Recent research supports the point of view that the deprivation of physical pleasure is a major ingredient in the expression of physical violence. The common association of sex with violence provides a clue to understanding physical violence in terms of deprivation of physical pleasure.

Unlike violence, pleasure seems to be something the world can't get enough of. People are constantly in search of new forms of pleasure, yet most of our 'pleasure' activities appear to be substitutes for the natural sensory pleasures of touching. We touch for pleasure or for pain or we don't touch at all. Although physical pleasure and physical violence seem worlds apart, there seems to be a subtle and intimate connection between the two. Until the relationship between pleasure and violence is understood, violence will continue to escalate.

As a developmental neuropsychologist I have devoted a great deal of study to the peculiar relationship between violence and pleasure. I am now convinced that the deprivation of physical sensory pleasure is the principal root cause of violence. Laboratory experiments with animals show that pleasure and violence have a reciprocal relationship, that is, the presence of one inhibits the other. A raging, violent animal will abruptly calm down when electrodes stimulate the pleasure centers of its brain. Likewise, stimulating the violence centers in the brain can terminate the animal's sensual pleasure and peaceful behavior. When the brain's pleasure circuits are 'on,' the violence circuits are 'off,' and vice versa. Among human beings, a pleasure-prone personality rarely displays violence or aggressive behaviors, and a violent personality has little ability to tolerate, experience, or enjoy sensuously pleasing activities. As either violence or pleasure goes up, the other goes down.

Sensory Deprivation

The reciprocal relationship of pleasure and violence is highly significant because certain sensory experiences during the formative periods of development will create a neuropsychological predisposition for either violence-seeking or pleasure-seeking behaviors later in life. I am convinced that various abnormal social and emotional behaviors resulting from what psychologists call 'maternal-social' deprivation, that is, a lack of tender, loving care, are caused by a unique type of sensory deprivation, somatosensory deprivation. Derived from the Greek word for 'body,' the term refers to the sensations of touch and body movement which differ from the senses of light, hearing, smell and taste. I believe that the deprivation of body touch, contact, and movement are the basic causes of a number of emotional disturbances...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


i'm not much into music that isn't at least 20 years old. i guess that makes me an official old fogie.

there's some old stuff one never hears anymore on the radio, at least not where i live (another sign of having lost touch with the times: not listening to internet radio, with it's virtual limitless genres to choose from). here's a taste of classic hip-hop i've been missing:

Monday, September 14, 2020

Margaret Sanger Day

sep. 14 is margaret sanger's birthday. a native of corning NY, she is perhaps the most influential woman in american history. she was a radical freethinker and determined courageous activist who championed the cause of contraception against immense opposition from both church and state in the early 20th century. her efforts led directly to the establishment of planned parenthood and the development of 'the pill'. these things have improved and saved countless lives, as well as serving as an effective tool to limit population growth. her birthday should be a national holiday. 

this brief bio of her life courtesy of planned parenthood does her some justice: 

margaret truly changed our world as very few have done. wouldn't u love to change the world? 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

September Fool's Day

i propose calling 9/11 september fool's day, for it was on this date in 2001 that practically all americans were made fools of by their government and corporate media when they were falsely told they'd been attacked by foreign 'terrorists' (this deceit, of course, has been maintained up to the present moment). alternatively, it might also be called 'america is full of shit day'. how's that for the name of a national holiday? it's certainly appropriate! 

i just did a search of this blog for richard gage. i thought i'd previously posted one of his excellent talks on youtube, exposing 9/11 truth from a scientific architectural engineering vantage point, but the search came up empty, so apparently i never did. a little belatedly for the 19th anniversary of this incredible false flag inside job 'terrorist' attack, here's mr. gage of architects and engineers for 9/11 truth giving what may be his best presentation on the subject: 

and while we're on the topic, here once again is richard dolan's memorable look back at 9/11 on the 17th anniversary of it, 2 years ago: 

(as has been noted by some commenters on youtube, searches for videos like these on youtube or google have been rigged so that many 'official narrative' videos which attempt to discredit these truth exposes as wacky 'conspiracy theories' appear first. thus unsophisticated or careless searchers are less likely to find the truth videos, and to remain misinformed)

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


(note: due to a technical SNAFU i can't correct, the proper spacing between paragraphs isn't appearing in this essay. i'm sorry for this) i think u'll love greg palast, if u don't already. he's a wonderful and witty writer/investigator who specializes in exposing and documenting GOP voter suppression shenanigans. he's been at it for decades, written several books. he's american, now residing in london. if i recall correctly, he was pressured to become an ex-pat by threats that were made because of what he was doing. anyway, i see he has a brand new book out, published last month titled HOW TRUMP STOLE 2020: THE HUNT FOR AMERICA'S VANISHED VOTERS. i've just begun checking it out on amazon. just begun reading the sample of the book on display. it starts with chapter 2, which begins like this: america, let's talk. i get it. u're stunned u elected an orange-stained gelatinous bag of malicious mendacity, a snorting porcine pustule of bloviating bigot... a bloated ball of gracelessness and crybaby petulance as POTUS. (end book quotation) isn't that a great description of president pussy grabber? i read it and said to myself i must copy this and pass it along, along with a hearty endorsement of greg palast (already rendered). i think my writing style is similar to greg's. when i'm on my game, i perhaps can rival him as an alliterative rabble rousing wordsmith, but of course i don't and can't come close to his accomplishments or production. i can't seem to write more than a few paragraphs on any particular thing, nor can i seemlessly connect ideas into a smooth lengthy narrative. i'm torn between wanting recognition for my radical rabble rousing writing and dreading the consequences should that ever happen. i'm baffled and disappointed that my blog has no followers, generates no buzz amongst the small and select handful of 'radical' progressives who i've contacted via listserves like steubengreens. when i go back and review what i've written and the links i've posted, i'm mostly pleased and proud with the results. i'm obviously alone in that assessment. back to the book. here's it's amazon link:

Friday, August 21, 2020

George Carlin Shitting on Government for 8 Minutes Straight

it's been a while since i posted a clip of perhaps the greatest red pill radical counter-cultural comic of all time. heeeeeeeeeeeere's georgie!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

liberty and justice for who?

there's some very eloquent, passionate, and powerful young black americans on youtube:

Monday, August 10, 2020

more voter suppression from the GOP

everything the GOP does is stupid, self serving, and corrupt, it seems. greg palast has well documented in his books their past shenanigans to suppress opposition vote. their latest effort involves sabotaging the u.s. postal service in advance of this year's elections:

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Anthrax False Flag of 2001. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure

our friend richard dolan, who gave a great talk on the 17th anniversary of 9/11 about that critical event in american history for his webcast, did it again a few weeks later, near the 17th anniversary of the anthrax attack scare, which turned out to be another false flag attack originally blamed on the usual suspects (muslim terrorists) to further whip up hysteria in support of the planned invasion of iraq, plus pushing through passage of the usa patriot act, which eviscerated americans 4th amendment protections, among other things. here's richard. well worth listening to for those who wish to have greater awareness and understanding regarding how the mendacious establishment manipulates public opinion with the full cooperation of high government officials and corporate mass media:

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

AMBER LYON “How Psychedelics Transformed My Life”

super cool video:

richard dolan on conflating conspiracy theorizing with terrorism

this youtube video will be the 2nd one i'll supply the link to on my blog (which nobody reads!) coming from mr. doland. the first was for the talk he gave commemorating the 17th anniversary of 9/11. both of them are tours de force of knowledge, understanding, and controlled passion for getting the truth out to whoever's willing and able to swallow the red pill.
i've always felt there's too much on my mental plate to delve into the rabbit hole of UFOs, so most of mr. dolan's work is beyond me. however, this video along with the other mentioned above suggest that mr. dolan is well worth monitoring, by both friend and foe. he possesses an exceptional mind and an apparent exceptional desire to dig for forbidden knowledge, or at least knowledge which requires much time and effort to acquire... and a great ability to then articulate and convey it in videos.
this knowledge and understanding he's acquired, and seeks to pass on via video, is, as he acknowledged, potentially very 'destabilizing'. of course it is! revolutionary is more like it. for when one comes to know and understand what's going on in the world that intentionally doesn't get reported, and to what degree a very tiny minority of humans control wealth and power, and often conspire to misinform and manipulate public opinion for their own private agendas (mainly the maintenance or expansion of their already grossly bloated wealth and power), when one knows the extended documented history of such conspiracy and deceit, often leading to all sorts of mayhem up to and including major wars... well, one is no longer inclined to trust 'authority', or to blindly obey it (except when intimidated to do so).
'terrorism' is in the eyes of the beholder. to the establishment, anything or anyone which threatens their status quo perhaps creates fear, and thus can be considered 'terrorism'.

Friday, July 10, 2020

mary kay letourneau, 'age of consent'

i had a dream recently. it was peculiar. something set me apart from everyone i knew. i figured it must be my fault, if everyone thought i was wrong about this particular something, and they were right.

when i woke up, this is about all i could recall of this dream. i couldn't remember what exactly it was that set me apart. i wracked my brain a little bit, and the first thing that occurred to me was the dystopian and doomed meme. that must have been it!

but a little later, another, perhaps more likely idea took it's place. an idea even more unpopular and vilified. in fact, much more unpopular and vilified, i think.

that word 'vilified' by coincidence brings to mind a closely related meme. 'vili' was the first name of mary kay letourneau's 'child' lover. the one who impregnated her (twice), and later married her after she'd spent quite a few years in prison as his 'rapist'.

this topic is extremely sensitive to me. i hate 'age of consent' laws with a smoldering passion. i might say a raging, burning passion, but since i must keep such 'perverse' thoughts to myself, 'smoldering' will do.

i hate how governments view and treat their citizens like property to be dictated to and controlled. i hate even more how the vast majority of sheeple not only accept this, but passionately embrace it, and embrace the pseudo ideas and rationalizations and 'morality' that's behind this control. they place artificial limits on us, on what we can openly feel, say, express, behave, in matters most personal. especially sex. woe be it to him or her who has the temerity to stray outside those artificial boundaries, even if it's only to openly reject them in theory.

mary kay letourneau was vili's teacher. he came from a troubled home, and she perceived him as a talented artist and began to take a more personal interest in him. he then became attracted to her, and bet his friends he could kiss her, or seduce her, something like that. he was 13, she 34. she too was dealing with an unhappy home life, unhappy marriage. when he came on to her, she didn't act the way society and it's artificial laws mandated she should. she didn't reject him. they didn't just become lovers, they fell in love. thus, when their relationship became exposed, much to the consternation of many outsiders including members of their families and, of course, the legal 'authorities', and she was told in no uncertain terms that she couldn't see him anymore (or keep her job), it failed to keep them apart. even several years in prison couldn't kill their love, as the fact that they married afterwards attests.

it didn't matter that vili seduced her to the 'authorities'. the only thing that mattered to them were their ages, and the fact that vili was several years below the 'age of consent' deemed by the state to be when humans are old enough, mature enough, to be able to consent to erotic relations. it didn't matter that they were in love, or had 2 children together.

there were no 'age of consent' laws until just a few centuries ago. none were seen as needed, and marriage or sexual relations around the age of puberty was no big deal. the first such laws were loosely based and generally unenforced, as there were no birth certificates so age couldn't be proved and sometimes wasn't even known. the age limits for these early 'age of consent' laws were in the 10-12 years old range, according to wikipedia.

then in the late 19th century, puritans led a drive to raise these ages substantially in a minority of countries. as time went on, these puritan driven laws gradually spread to other locales, no doubt influenced by national 'peer pressure' and that the puritanical nations in the forefront of this movement were also among the most powerful, particularly great britain and the usa. but even today, great disparities in the 'age of consent' exist from place to place, as shown by the map linked below (note how china, japan, most of south america and central europe have ages of consent that are 13 or 14. note also the stark contrast between the u.s. and canada, where age of consent ranges from 16 to 18, and just south of the border in mexico, where it's as low as 12, while in some theocratic muslim nations like saudi arabia, it's against the law to have premarital sex regardless of one's age [no doubt this applies in practice to females only]). this highlights the extreme arbitrariness of these laws, and how they're simply a reflection of the degree to which their respective societies are puritanical and authoritarian:

i strongly suspect that part if not most of the reason that the powers that be have come to strongly promote and enforce these stupid, arbitrary, johnny-come-lately laws has to do with enhancing the power of the state, while disempowering the masses under it's control, making those who violate these laws subject to blackmail along with the threat of imprisonment and immense public vilification as 'pedophiles', 'perverts', and 'rapists'. Not to mention how much this disempowers youth, and strongly reinforces dogmatic, puritanical, religious entreaties to abstain from sex for not only all of childhood, but for many years beyond puberty, if not until marriage itself. It's all about making people into sheeple, domesticated animals not at home within their own bodies, at war with their innate erotic natures. iow, shameful, fearful, repressed, neurotic. All these things are instilled in youth, and last to a greater or lesser extent, throughout the rest of our lives.

a couple of biological facts make these laws particularly onerous imo. biological aging kicks in at puberty, which is also, from a scientific standpoint, the demarcation between juveniles and adults. and the older we get, the less appealing we become (particularly women) and the less sex drive we have (particularly men). so these laws outlaw sex for human females when they're most appealing, and males when they're most driven to have sex. to make a rough analogy, it would be like making it a crime to eat perfectly ripe fruit, or to eat when one's hunger is greatest.

it galls me to no end how sheeple (led by the so-called 'liberal' media who to this day insist on vilifying letourneau as a 'child rapist' and characterizing her 'child' seducer vili as a 'victim'), including even most 'radicals', buy into this sick, evil, and repressive nonsense. perhaps more than any other single thing, it makes me feel like i'm living in a dystopia, an insane asylum where the sickest lunatics are running the show, and like i'm one of an exceedingly rare few that are sane, but who must hide our sanity for fear of being persecuted for it. this makes me think that sheeple in general are just as sick n evil as the establishment that controls them and molds their sick n stupid worldview and standards of 'morality'. in fact, shit like this makes me almost yearn for the collapse of civilization, the extinction of humanity, and all the bullshit dogmatic, puritanical, patriarchal, paternalistic religions, laws, and attitudes that invariably accompany it, arguably to the benefit of only a small minority (rulers) while a detriment to the great majority (the ruled). and to the great detriment of those most unfortunate souls like mary kay letourneau, who just died a few days ago of cancer at the age of 58, with vili at her side, whose lives are torn asunder as a result.

including mine. i spent roughly the first 30 years of my life dogged by fear, shame, and oppressive repression. i've spent roughly the last 30 years consumed with rage and resentment, since i finally figured out what a complete crock of shit all of this puritanical nonsense and hysteria is. and profound, almost (totally?!) overwhelming alienation and isolation from my fellow humans (or i should say my fellow domesticated humans, since i have no gripe with whatever infinitesimal few humans there remain who exist for the most part as 'savages', free from the yoke of civilization). i must even fear publishing this, much like homosexuals must have feared coming out of the closet several decades ago, and still must fear doing so in some places/circumstances to this very day. dogmatic puritans are such brainwashed, hateful, vicious scum!

R.I.P.   mary kay

Monday, July 6, 2020

9/11 truth and everything else

report in today's corporate tv media to the effect that there's a 'wave of murderous shootings' gripping the usa. this report cited only one instance in support: that of an 8 year old girl who apparently was shot in a car by drive-by assailant(s) in atlanta. it then showed a black women lamenting  it, saying something to the effect that 'we can't blame this on the police'.

is that so? why not?

american police have demonstrated time and time again their racism and proclivity for brutality and deadly violence, at least some/many of them. with the support of the whole police establishment, not to mention the whole american establishment. it has also been shown time and time again that police and intelligence agencies will employ agent provocateurs, informants, and other undercover agents to perform a wide variety of dirty deeds, generally to discredit or 'neutralize' their opposition or to stir up support for the police state, and/or foreign wars. 9/11 being perhaps the most shocking and notorious example.

one thing is clear. those who ultimately call the shots in america, and throughout the world that's allied with america, regard the general public as utterly expendable. they have no qualms about committing mass murder against their 'own sheeple'. y would they have any qualms about instigating deadly violence, even against children, if it serves their agenda?

this corporate media report i witnessed was careful not to come out and say 'we can't defund the police, we need them too much, america is too violent without a heavy police presence'. they didn't need to. everything in this report implicitly supported that message, meant for the gullible american sheeple.

corporate media is the slickest propaganda money can buy. law enforcement and 'intelligence' agencies are the most ruthless, deceitful, and violent  forces for oppression that money can buy. the whole american establishment is sick n evil, not to be trusted, only to be feared, and for the wise, brave or foolish, resisted.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

flint taylor, people's law office

flint taylor, lawyer with the chicago people's law office, gives his insider's perspective on how his firm came to be, the fred hampton assassination, COINTELPRO, the jon burge police brutality torture scandal, the murder of Laquan McDonald, and other matters in this superb talk:

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

the end of the nightstick

'there is more law at the end of a policeman's nightstick than in a decision of the supreme court' -statement from NYPD lieutenant alexander 'clubber' williams in 1877

'the end of the nightstick' is the title of a PBS 'point of view' (POV) documentary made in the 1990's on the subject of the scandalous and horrific systemic practice of a squad of chicago police of the previous 2 decades of beating and torturing confessions out of men of color. it provides a very rare street level point of view from those who have been subjected to the worst sorts of brutality and terrorism from 'america's finest', the police. it's very information dense, and unfortunately the audio is sometimes not as clear as one might wish, so i think it's best to take one's time viewing, stopping along the way frequently to ensure u understand what's being communicated.the actual film is only 44 minutes long. there will be a link to watch it on youtube at the very bottom of this post.

it should be noted that near the beginning of this film, the number of documented cases of police torture in chicago under the terroristic rein of the sadistic and racist police commander jon burge and his partners in lawless law enforcement was stated as being 'over 30'. the actual number turned out to be well over 100. the book linked below tells the story of one of them:

i find it amazing that this excellent documentary has so few views, particularly in light of the present day wave of protests against police brutality and the almost routine murder of black men by police officers in the usa, (usually with impunity) which has been exposed again and again in recent years. this should be seen by everyone who cares about justice and the need to rein in the brutal abuse of 'authority' (which sometimes includes judges and prosecutors who conspire [along with crooked law enforcement officers] to frame innocent defendants and convict them, sometimes for capital murder) in the usa.
for a much more in depth look at the police brutality scandal this film documents, one of the lawyers who played a primary role in fighting and exposing it has written a great book:  
and finally the documentary:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

wipe that stupid grin off your face!

just watching pbs newshour report on record setting arctic heat, which in many places has reached 38C or 100F recently. an expert discussed some of the ramifications of the rapid and alarming warming of the arctic in recent decades/years. what struck me more than her words was the stupid and utterly inappropriate grin on her face at times, as if this matter is amusing.

i think american corporate funded and influenced media like pbs goes out of it's way to choose scientific experts to discuss ultra sensitive topics like this one specifically for their perverse ability/inclination to make dire pronouncements appear to be not dire. it's like a doctor informing a patient (s)he is terminally ill with a sick, idiotic grin. the message and the manner in which it's conveyed are completely dissonant.

hey, lady! wipe that stupid grin off your face! and corporate media, stop wrapping truth in the guise of bullshit, and vice versa!

corporate media. the slickest misinformation and propaganda that money can buy. as the world burns, america turns on it's tv's and is bullshitted to death/sleep.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Who Polices the Police?

i've submitted the following for publication in local newspapers. it's titled, Who Polices the Police?

In a recent year, american police killed 1,043 americans officially . That same year, japanese and british police killed a combined total of 3 of their citizens. Even taking into account america's higher population, american police kill their own citizens at a rate that's hundreds of times higher than those 2 nations. While racism is certainly a factor, one may rest assured that not all of those 1,043 american victims of deadly police violence were people of color.

Besides this outrageous excess of the use of deadly force, american police are also well known for their almost casual use of violence, such as assaulting political protesters and criminal suspects. On youtube there's virtually an endless supply of videos which document some of these crimes, as well as other instances of police misconduct.

There's also the notorious practice of civil asset forfeiture, in which police are allowed to seize private property on the basis of suspicion that it was obtained thanks to the proceeds from illegal activity, without having to back up this suspicion with evidence.

All of this adds up to one irrefutable conclusion: american police have far too much power, are far too prone to abusing it, and have far too little oversight or consequences for their own criminal behavior. The whole institution of policing in america, and for that matter the criminal (in)'justice' system, which imprisons a far higher percentage of americans than any other country in the world, is in need of urgent and radical reform.

Monday, June 15, 2020

putting the fear of god into u(s)

i've just been paying scant attention to a pbs tv program about the rochester ny race riots of july 1964 (the show's titled july'64). i'd have paid more attention if too much weight wasn't being given to establishment voices, but that's sadly to be expected, even from PBS. but at least pbs sometimes also gives voice to radical dissidents, like one black woman who in reply to an interviewer's question, responded in conclusion that she believed that police often beat blacks they arrested to 'put the fear of god into u'. again, this was in rochester, a mid sized upstate ny city with a proud tradition of being home to the likes of susan b. anthony and frederick douglass, a northern city that was an underground railroad stop for slaves fleeing slavery. so if this is what was happening in rochester to such an extent as to precipitate massive rioting, i think it's pretty safe to assume it was happening all across america.

i think any intelligent fair minded curious individual who looks into the history and social role of policing, not only in america but around the world, will discover that police' primary purpose and function is to use force, sometimes brutal force, sometimes deadly force, to maintain existing social and economic inequalities and injustices (links below to a great book that documents this, titled OUR ENEMIES IN BLUE). they mainly serve the establishment, provide it's muscle, enforce it's edicts or 'laws' with whatever force is deemed necessary, and quite obviously, their bosses give them basically carte blanche to abuse 'authority' when dealing with (in?)subordinate, downtrodden minorities (or troublesome radical rabble rousers, which is what i sometimes aspire to be...). they routinely brutalize and terrorize these groups when deemed necessary (which can be virtually all the time) to let them know viscerally who's the boss, or as that black woman put it, to put the fear of god into u.

this is still obviously how america is policed. i've experienced it a little myself (but not remotely anything like those who've been severely beaten and/or abused and/or murdered).

i wish more sheeple would know this. i wish they had or would take the time to educate themselves on such important matters. i wish they cared more.

of course, i should care more too. i should do more than write shit like this that i can't even interest anyone into reading. but of course, that requires leaving my comfort zone and perhaps security as well behind. it requires coming out of the closet, proactively reaching out, not just to a select few, but as wide and large an audience as i can reach, trying to rouse them, the 'rabble'.

unfortunately, i can't see this succeeding. i can very easily envision it failing, and my having to pay dearly for
trying seriously to challenge 'authority', which makes it all too easy to care less, and not even try.

ironic, isn't it, that a non-believer like me has the 'fear of god' put into him. 'authority' is something to be greatly feared by one with my inclinations and aspirations. just as it is by downtrodden minorities inclined to be the least bit 'uppity'. 'authorities' are here to put the fear of god into us.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Thank God For Slavery

and, from the same source:

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

just another day in the evil empire

i'm not even going to bother writing much in today's post. what spurred it was just the most recent 'officer involved killing' of an unarmed, handcuffed, compliant victim, 46 and black (as usual), by a police officer with a long history of complaints against him, including having killed others before this more recent incident. victim's name was george floyd. he was killed by the officer pressing down on his neck for several minutes with his knee, apparently making it impossible for him to breathe. other officers on the scene of course did nothing to intervene, even as other bystanders recorded the incident and protested.

recent democratic presidential candidate amy globuchar of minnesota, who reportedly has been a serious contender for the #2 spot on the democratic ticket, is once again in the news as a result of this murder. she was a d.a. in minneapolis back in the day, who like so many other politically ambitious prosecutors rode the 'tough on crime' horse to higher office, becoming a u.s. senator. but she was also infamous among progressive critics for a particular case of misconduct in the conviction of a black 16 year old man (or boy, if u wish... i consider post pubescent teens to be surreal adults, even if brainwashed americans and our oppressive and dogmatic establishment does not) who has always maintained his innocence, with abundant suppressed exculpatory evidence in his favor. she was also infamous for her kid glove handling of 'officer involved killings', not once ever prosecuting dozens of cases presented to her. this is the reason she's in the shit again, because one of those officers she declined to prosecute is the perp in this current case.

it's sickening to live in a world in which a nation such as america wields the most power, has the most 'wealth', and abuses both to terrorize it's own citizens and much of the rest of the world with it's police state and bloated military, it's corrupt and vile politicians, it's corrupt and controlled corporate media. plus it's leading the way to doom with it's gross consumerism/consumption and disregard for environmental and ecological concerns. and once again, whose sheeple are for the most part a bunch of ill informed and opinionated blue pill dogma addicts who don't know or seem to care about what's surreally going down.

it's sickening to be dystopian and doomed!

below are related links.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

'jesus created animals for us to eat'

this is another reason why i hate christians, or any religions which posit that humans are the center of the biological universe, and that god created everything solely for our use and enjoyment!

in this short video promoting veganism from lee camp, about 8 minutes in are a couple of short clips featuring little girls who object to eating meat because it comes from what used to be living beings, similar to us. in the 2nd one, the girl's mother (i presume) tries to encourage her daughter to go ahead and eat it by claiming that 'jesus created animals for us to eat', which of course is derived from the biblical book of genesis.

i'm a hypocrite in that i haven't stopped totally eating meat even though i sympathize with the vegan argument against it, particularly in light of the way animals that are raised for slaughter in industrialized agriculture are done so often under horrific and environmentally destructive conditions, and are often slaughtered under horrific conditions (see the book SLAUGHTERHOUSE). it's a hard habit to break, without social support, but i don't feel justified to do so by the ridiculous and repugnant 'holy book' known as the bible. the whole idea behind the genesis account of creation was and is to instill in the minds of humans the idea that we're the only species whose lives matter. it's a very convenient idea for a culture set upon treating other species as mere inanimate possessions in order to facilitate our own enrichment, but it's a very faulty one, and considering the long term ramifications which those of us with a bit of rationality and knowledge are now able to perceive that stem from this anthrocentric biological worldview (i.e., rampant ecological destruction which is going to have a very adverse effect upon us very soon), a very suicidal one as well.

Friday, May 15, 2020

the lee and eleanor show

i'm depressed over both the state of my world and my life. of course the 2 are related. i don't understand how anyone who also perceives dystopia and doom can be happy.

much of my dismay is due to my shersonal life. lack of friends, companions, lovers. it seems no one i know is compatible. no one can relate to my alienation and despair. no one can relate to my contempt and hatred for 'authority', including authoritarian followers.

christianity is sick and evil. teaching kids that they're evil (matthew 7:11) 'sinners' who deserve to die (the wages of sin!) and then will be judged and possibly (very likely! matthew 7: 13-14) condemned to hellish torture and torment for eternity.

why isn't this widely recognized and condemned as gross psychological abuse, not to mention utter bullshit? is humanity insane, or merely brainwashed? is there any difference?

doesn't anyone relate? r u all cool with how flocked up and insane things are? how flocked up and insane sheeple are? how can it not drive u nuts? how can it not depress u? how can u not wish to commiserate?

anyway, i brought up the above as an excuse for this relatively subdued and lackluster recommendation. i won't do it justice, but i'll try.

lee camp and eleanor goldfield make a great pair of funny, insightful, inciteful, and well informed radical reporters and commenters on america, primarily. radical dissenters who don't hesitate to go places the corrupt controlled corporate media can't. who point out just how deceitful and misleading corporate media is. how police serve the interests of power, not the people. how a ruthlessly greedy, disgustingly amoral, and pathologically selfish oligarchy rules over us, making sure that gross inequity and injustice reign supreme.

i learn from them and am slightly comforted to know somebody out there is rational, curious, empathetic, alienated, outraged, like me. well, more than slightly comforted. it keeps me somewhat sane.

so here's a link to them on youtube. about an hour long, the weakest part of this video is the first 11:30, so u might want to skip ahead to that point:

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

george carlin on religion

today would have been george carlin's 83rd birthday. too bad he survived only about a month past his 71st. he wrote a great autobiography, as well as being arguably the greatest american countercultural comic of the late 20th and early 21st century. immensely talented, he left behind a great body of work, including this compilation of bits he did satirizing religion, or more particularly, christianity. gotta love it!

Monday, May 11, 2020

free will: the ultimate deceit and delusion

what good is knowledge that disturbs and doesn't empower? what good is it to be aware of dystopia and doom and not be able to do anything about it? what good is truth if it doesn't set u free?

i wish i could surreally believe in the claims of supposed 'near death experiences' involving disembodiment and ultimate peace and joy, encountering a god of pure light/love. sheeple who claim they no longer fear death, perceiving it now as merely a transition. a transition in most cases to something better than 'this life'.

i wish this because our dystopian and doomed world very often disgusts as well as disturbs me, and i'd just as soon leave it sooner rather than later, if only indeed i could be convinced that dying is nothing to fear, death but an illusion. to no longer have to be subject and witness to the suffering and disillusionment (or is it illusionment?) of this world, 'this life'. how wonderful it would be to be able to choose freely, confidently, and joyfully to end it, or trade it in for a much improved, if not heavenly existence!

unfortunately, whatever god or non-god is responsible or not responsible for 'this life', my life, was unable or unwilling to endow such a gift, such an empowering gift. rather there is the curse of a strong survival instinct, a will to live despite life's attendant suffering and sorrow, a perverse will that can have masochistic consequences. one would think that a loving god would never have created such a curse, nor a world of suffering and sorrow. a loving god would never create a dystopian and doomed world, would it?! an inherently flawed, finite, vulnerable, and mortal world populated by inherently flawed, finite, vulnerable, and mortal beings. if this is the product of love, i'd hate to see the universe a hateful god would manifest!

yep. i'm fed up with my disturbing, disgruntled, dystopian and doomed existence. i want something better! and i want it now!

hah! my desires are nothing. they exist, but i didn't choose them. it's more like they chose me. i didn't choose to exist. existence chose me, or i just happened, everything just happens, with no design or purpose.

'this life' isn't all bad, but if there's something better beyond the vale of death, and it's nothing to fear, the rational choice would be suicide. maybe a controlled martyrdom, try to endow a gift to those left behind in this mortal world, as other martyrs have. but possessing only the illusion, not the surreality, of free will, such rational choices remain but a dream. and i remain stuck in 'this life', afraid of death, and dying.

a curious lack of curiosity

it's very late and i'm quite tired; yet i can't sleep, as is generally the case when i've got (a) nagging question(s) on my mind.

i'm a very curious sherson. living in this dogmatic and repressive society hasn't killed or even dampened my desire to acquire knowledge and understanding, especially regarding taboo topics, topics which many sheeple seem to instinctively shy away from. i want to discover hidden truths. i want to understand why many truths are suppressed. i want to especially understand why many sheeple actively or passively suppress certain truths in favor of ignorance, lies, or misunderstandings. basically, i want to understand what makes sheeple tick, particularly those who seem to be so unlike me, seemingly lacking in curiosity about many things, desirous of avoiding knowledge and/or understanding which might upset them. don't they know that while they may run from it, they can't ultimately hide from the truth, and it's consequences?

it's said that the truth shall set u free. generally, that's not the case, i don't think. in fact, very often, rather than setting u free, the truth will perplex, even torment u. a good example is the truth of what industrial civilized humanity is doing to our planet and the life on it. what it's doing in regards to the future prospects of our own species, not in the far future, but in the relatively near term. any intelligent, curious, rational, and open minded individual who has looked deeply into the matter knows our planet, it's ecosphere, and hence humanity itself, is in deep, deep shit, facing not only the collapse of civilization, but the very surreal and horrific prospect of mass extinction. this millennium. this century! already, the 6th great mass extinction of species in earth history is underway, and it's likely just getting started.

no, rather than setting u free, the truth can be like a boulder weighing down on u, demanding that u try to do something to alleviate it. in the instance cited above, the most obvious and pressing action to take involves spreading awareness. and that requires an attempt at a deep dive into the human psyche; specifically the psyche of the masses who shrink from or run away from it. those sheeple who exhibit a very curious lack of curiosity about this very curious world into which we've all been involuntarily born into.

when i was a very young boy i remember one time i asked my parents what the meaning of a particular 'naughty' word was. i don't recall for sure what that word was, i think it was the infamous 'f' word, and of course at the time i didn't know it was 'naughty', and i certainly didn't know that the response i would receive would be so shrill and harsh, bordering on the hysterical. it was clearly meant to terrorize me so that i would never ask it again. and of course it failed to answer what was in fact a very simple, straightforward, and innocent question.

that's another thing i'm intensely curious about. my parents are dead now, but even if they were alive i doubt they could or maybe even would try to give me an adequate answer to my follow-up question, coming from my current perspective as an adult: what made them that way? what made them, in fact what makes so very, very many 'authority' figures in our society so irrational, so dogmatically and impulsively desirous of crushing a child's (or an adult's) curiosity, imparting a lesson that 'authority' figures aren't to be trusted, or confided in, lest one should suddenly and unexpectedly face shrill condemnation and perhaps punishment? surreally, what makes sheeple behave so strangely, i would say so destructively? i'm dying to know. i'm dying to understand, so that i might be able to empathize, and hopefully find a way to change them. i'd love to live in a world in which no one is ever chastised or punished for something so fundamentally and innocently human as seeking knowledge, or sharing it. in fact, i'd give my life to live in such a world, but if i give my life, then i'd no longer be living, which sort of defeats the purpose. i digress.

the fact is we live in a world, a society in which many secrets are kept, especially by those in 'authority', those with the power to impart, or withhold knowledge. as another old saying goes, knowledge is power, and i guess a lot of sheeple don't want to share it. no doubt in many instances power is perceived as being dependent upon the keeping of secrets, the perpetuation of lies, or ignorance, or misunderstanding. but i think in many other cases it's probably simply a matter of social conditioning, of being taught to be incurious by those who had power over u, and passing along this repressive incuriosity to those u have power over, as so many parents do to their children, like my parents did to me, and perhaps yours did to u.

this brings us back to the problem of our species facing the rather imminent collapse of civilization, and then possibly (likely?!) near term extinction. it seems there's very little awareness of this threat because, well, for one, a lot of sheeple just aren't smart enough to grasp it's scientific basis, but perhaps the greater problem, the one i've often experienced, is that sheeple who probably are smart enough to understand don't want to! they don't want to know! maybe it makes them too uncomfortable. maybe they've internalized too deeply the sick message one so often receives from 'authority' figures that there are some things one is better off not knowing!

i've spent countless hours and days over the past 30 or so years trying to find out all i can about the world i live in, and the predicament we humans have created for ourselves by being dogmatic, irrational, ignorant, deceitful, delusional, and in just plain denial. so much so that at this point, only one pertinent question remains: how can i, how can we as a species collectively overcome our history of suppression. it's also said that curiosity killed the cat. well, nothing could be clearer to me now that it's a lack of curiosity, and rationality, that's destroying our world and us.

i'm pretty much all out of hope for solving this dilemma, but there's one thing that might just possibly offer a glimmer of it. certain drugs, psychedelics, and another extremely demonized, misunderstood, and criminalized drug, MDMA, more popularly known by it's street name 'ecstasy', have shown great promise, according to many testimonials, of opening closed minds and overcoming seemingly overwhelming lack of empathy. i've read that it showed great promise as a therapeutic tool (MDMA, and various psychedelics), before they became caught up in the hysterical, irrational, and repressive 'war on drugs' and their use driven underground.

the 'war on drugs' is another phenomenon i've done a lot of research on. of course there's a lot of just plain madness behind it, but there's also a lot of ulterior motives, things like creating a very lucrative black market, and then controlling much of it and profiting greatly from it, as the CIA and many of it's cronies in the underworld of organized crime have done. i've come to suspect also that another ulterior motive, perhaps the biggest one of them all, has to do with class warfare.

in our society, 'class warfare' is most often mentioned in conjunction with ideologies of the left, like communism and socialism, with the idea being that the impoverished masses are trying to unfairly gang up on the poor, oppressed, embattled, wealthy elites at the top of society when something like 'tax the rich' is brought up. what's almost never mentioned (in fact, i've never come across it before, so i could possibly be the first to do so here) is that in our hierarchical, pyramid shaped, class-based society, those poor, embattled elites, the less than 1% who control 90% of all the wealth (and political power), are constantly conspiring to maintain a status quo of immense inequality and injustice, they are, in fact, waging class warfare on us! and one of the ways they do this is by making sure we remain ignorant, divided, and powerless. anything which threatens (or promises, depending upon one's p.o.v.) to enable us to become empowered with knowledge, and empathy, and thus to upset the status quo and create a far more equal, and just society... well, perhaps that's something the powers that be are dead set against!

anyway, many years ago when i was researching all this i came across this wonderful website filled with what i presume to be accurate info and honest testimonials regarding 'ecstasy'. it was so long ago i was afraid it might no longer exist. alas, thankfully, it still does. i hope u'll check it out and become enthused, as i have become, at the hope it offers to our oh so troubled and dying world. i very very very much doubt it, or anything else, can save us at this late date, but as i said it provides at least a glimmer of possibility. even if it doesn't 'save the world', it just might save us, or at least me, to some extent, from continuing to live lives of abject ignorance and despair.

i'm a very asocial sherson, alienated, probably neurotic, repressed; iow, socially impaired. as a result, i have virtually no friends or social contacts from whom i might obtain a reliable, safe source of something like MDMA for therapeutic use from the black market. believe me, if this weren't the case, i would have tried it long ago! in particular it's been a long held dream of mine to use it together with another(s) who sees the world much differently, someone who i would perceive as dogmatic and among the masses of the curiously incurious, so that i might better understand their p.o.v., and vice versa. i'm hoping against hope that that just might be the key to a better world, and to beginning to solve the overwhelming problems i and we now face. i'm hoping by reaching out to all of u in this manner that someone, somewhere, will hear and heed this cry for help, and provide a satisfactory answer to it.

so here's the link to that ecstasy website mentioned above. specifically to one of the longer and more promising testimonials as to how the use of this drug can change lives, and hopefully this world, for the better. i hope u'll read it. by clicking on any of the headings at the center of the top of the page, u can access other testimonials and relevant info.. may good fortune be with u, and i!

here's link to webpage about the remarkable man responsible for, nicholas saunders. after reading it, there's more links at the bottom. if u click on the 'memorial site' one, it'll take u to another page which has more links on the far left side, including 'obituaries' at the bottom. click on that to learn more about him. he led a very interesting life as a champion of alternative living in london, england.

link to one of saunders books, engaging and educational. radical truth, not establishment bullshit!

here's one of the better testimonials of an incredible MDMA experience. if u read it u'll come across the question 'why can't it (life) always be like this?' good question. short answer: because our 'authorities', society's grand poobahs, are intent on ruining or destroying everything they can't control, especially anything that could threaten their control. mind expanding drugs do just that!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Planet of the Humans

Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late. 

Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars? 

No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine"). This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our survival in a new way—before it’s too late.

Friday, April 24, 2020

this is why i hate republicans

this article from commondreams about republican leaders president trump and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, the chinless wonder from kentucky, denying a modest increase in federal food aide in this time of pandemic economic depression, when a sharp increase in such aide is called for (or better yet, how about a universal basic income?)... this is why i hate republicans. their leaders are such hardass assholes who don't give a flying flock about the downtrodden and the poor. they don't care if millions go hungry while many are obscenely wealthy. they don't give a shit, as a whole, about the environment or climate change, which many of them don't believe in. they generally support all kinds of wars, imperialist wars, false flag wars, wars on drugs and other forms of 'vice', war on obscenity and 'immorality'... they're anti-choice fascists and religious fanatics, not all of them of course but many of them.

it's scary to live in a country in which such a cruel, ignorant, stupid, and corrupt political party is wildly popular in many places, mostly rural.

i wonder if there's a purposeful method to their madness. perhaps by placing the burden of addressing social problems stemming from widespread poverty and gross economic inequality, like hunger, primarily on to private individuals and charities in this time when the problem is huge... perhaps a foreseeable result will be to foster class resentment and division, as the strain becomes too great. divide and conquer...

here's another article about how mindless militarism is fueling climate change. again, the stupidity and cruelty of american political leaders is unbelievable! not to mention the stupidity and cruelty of the american sheeple who support this regime of infinite stupidity, waste, greed, and destruction.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


'the wages of sin is death' -romans 6:23

it's no wonder that the american south, the 'bible belt', is where capital punishment remains very popular to this day. with a sick and evil 'holy book' like the bible as their guide

there's a series of shows that airs on the headline news network titled DEATH ROW STORIES. each hour long episode highlights a different capital murder case that involves shady or maliciously corrupt dealings within the american criminal (in)'justice' system. police, prosecutors, and judges sometimes all conspire to frame an innocent human being with a capital murder charge. subsequent independent investigation reveals the truth, but the system is inured to that. it seems designed only to protect itself from any and all accusations of wrong doing, no matter how strong the evidence against it. it is, iow, purely dogmatic, just like religious conservatives!

there's an old popular song from the 70s whose lyrics capture this dynamic. once again, professional art shows itself to be a greater fount of truth than any profession more closely associated with the establishment!

'That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don't trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
'Cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands'