this article from commondreams about republican leaders president trump and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, the chinless wonder from kentucky, denying a modest increase in federal food aide in this time of pandemic economic depression, when a sharp increase in such aide is called for (or better yet, how about a universal basic income?)... this is why i hate republicans. their leaders are such hardass assholes who don't give a flying flock about the downtrodden and the poor. they don't care if millions go hungry while many are obscenely wealthy. they don't give a shit, as a whole, about the environment or climate change, which many of them don't believe in. they generally support all kinds of wars, imperialist wars, false flag wars, wars on drugs and other forms of 'vice', war on obscenity and 'immorality'... they're anti-choice fascists and religious fanatics, not all of them of course but many of them.
it's scary to live in a country in which such a cruel, ignorant, stupid, and corrupt political party is wildly popular in many places, mostly rural.
i wonder if there's a purposeful method to their madness. perhaps by placing the burden of addressing social problems stemming from widespread poverty and gross economic inequality, like hunger, primarily on to private individuals and charities in this time when the problem is huge... perhaps a foreseeable result will be to foster class resentment and division, as the strain becomes too great. divide and conquer...
here's another article about how mindless militarism is fueling climate change. again, the stupidity and cruelty of american political leaders is unbelievable! not to mention the stupidity and cruelty of the american sheeple who support this regime of infinite stupidity, waste, greed, and destruction.
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