Wednesday, December 21, 2022

David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan

'perhaps it is better to wake up afterall, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one's life' - kate chopin, taken from a youtube video put out by architects and engineers for 9/11 truth
david ray griffin died last month. he was among the most prominent critics of the false official narrative of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and american imperialism, wrote many books about these subjects, gave many speeches, inspired many others to get involved. below is a link to a compilation of tributes to his life taken from off-guardian, another off the beaten track alternative source of independent journalism seeking to counter the tsunami of disinformation and propaganda that spews 24-7-365 from western lamestream media: to a cspan video produced 16 years ago, featuring mr. griffin, peter dale scott, kevin ryan, and peter phillips: to kevin ryan's blog, a treasure trove of 'conspiracy theory' information and speculation:

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

“Strategy Of Tension” And 9/11

long pdf article detailing how western government intelligence agencies led by the cia have systematically over decades been involved in false flag terrorist activities which have been used to smear left wing political parties and their supporters throughout much of europe and the u.s., via very secretive operations such as gladio and northwoods. these have also been carried out to create public support for foreign invasions such as those of afghanistan and iraq in the wake of 9/11, the most infamous of all such 'ops'. here is the beginning and conclusion of this article, followed by it's link:

Historians today and in the coming years face a challenging task: they must
write the history of the events of September 11, 2001. What they write will be
taught in history classes. But what will they write? Will they write that Osama BinLaden sent 19 Muslims to launch a surprise attack on the U.S.? Or will they writethat the administration of President George W. Bush was responsible for the attack,either constructing it or deliberately permitting it in order to shock the U.S.population and to create a pretext for increasing military spending and attackingAfghanistan and Iraq?“it is clear that deceiving the public and trumping up wars for Americans to fight and die in was standard, approved policy at the highest levels of the Pentagon.”ConclusionThe two main arguments against the view that the attacks of 9/11 wereinfluenced by the US government and its military have been a priori arguments.One of these is that civilized Western governments in general, and the USgovernment in particular, would never do such a heinous thing. The other main apriori argument is that if the attacks of 9/11 were carried out by forces withinAmerica’s own government, this fact could not have remained secret for this long.The information in this article shows both of these arguments to be dubious at best.