it's no wonder that the american south, the 'bible belt', is where capital punishment remains very popular to this day. with a sick and evil 'holy book' like the bible as their guide
there's a series of shows that airs on the headline news network titled DEATH ROW STORIES. each hour long episode highlights a different capital murder case that involves shady or maliciously corrupt dealings within the american criminal (in)'justice' system. police, prosecutors, and judges sometimes all conspire to frame an innocent human being with a capital murder charge. subsequent independent investigation reveals the truth, but the system is inured to that. it seems designed only to protect itself from any and all accusations of wrong doing, no matter how strong the evidence against it. it is, iow, purely dogmatic, just like religious conservatives!
there's an old popular song from the 70s whose lyrics capture this dynamic. once again, professional art shows itself to be a greater fount of truth than any profession more closely associated with the establishment!
'That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Well, don't trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer
'Cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands'
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