Friday, May 15, 2020

the lee and eleanor show

i'm depressed over both the state of my world and my life. of course the 2 are related. i don't understand how anyone who also perceives dystopia and doom can be happy.

much of my dismay is due to my shersonal life. lack of friends, companions, lovers. it seems no one i know is compatible. no one can relate to my alienation and despair. no one can relate to my contempt and hatred for 'authority', including authoritarian followers.

christianity is sick and evil. teaching kids that they're evil (matthew 7:11) 'sinners' who deserve to die (the wages of sin!) and then will be judged and possibly (very likely! matthew 7: 13-14) condemned to hellish torture and torment for eternity.

why isn't this widely recognized and condemned as gross psychological abuse, not to mention utter bullshit? is humanity insane, or merely brainwashed? is there any difference?

doesn't anyone relate? r u all cool with how flocked up and insane things are? how flocked up and insane sheeple are? how can it not drive u nuts? how can it not depress u? how can u not wish to commiserate?

anyway, i brought up the above as an excuse for this relatively subdued and lackluster recommendation. i won't do it justice, but i'll try.

lee camp and eleanor goldfield make a great pair of funny, insightful, inciteful, and well informed radical reporters and commenters on america, primarily. radical dissenters who don't hesitate to go places the corrupt controlled corporate media can't. who point out just how deceitful and misleading corporate media is. how police serve the interests of power, not the people. how a ruthlessly greedy, disgustingly amoral, and pathologically selfish oligarchy rules over us, making sure that gross inequity and injustice reign supreme.

i learn from them and am slightly comforted to know somebody out there is rational, curious, empathetic, alienated, outraged, like me. well, more than slightly comforted. it keeps me somewhat sane.

so here's a link to them on youtube. about an hour long, the weakest part of this video is the first 11:30, so u might want to skip ahead to that point:

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