i'm not even going to bother writing much in today's post. what spurred it was just the most recent 'officer involved killing' of an unarmed, handcuffed, compliant victim, 46 and black (as usual), by a police officer with a long history of complaints against him, including having killed others before this more recent incident. victim's name was george floyd. he was killed by the officer pressing down on his neck for several minutes with his knee, apparently making it impossible for him to breathe. other officers on the scene of course did nothing to intervene, even as other bystanders recorded the incident and protested.
recent democratic presidential candidate amy globuchar of minnesota, who reportedly has been a serious contender for the #2 spot on the democratic ticket, is once again in the news as a result of this murder. she was a d.a. in minneapolis back in the day, who like so many other politically ambitious prosecutors rode the 'tough on crime' horse to higher office, becoming a u.s. senator. but she was also infamous among progressive critics for a particular case of misconduct in the conviction of a black 16 year old man (or boy, if u wish... i consider post pubescent teens to be surreal adults, even if brainwashed americans and our oppressive and dogmatic establishment does not) who has always maintained his innocence, with abundant suppressed exculpatory evidence in his favor. she was also infamous for her kid glove handling of 'officer involved killings', not once ever prosecuting dozens of cases presented to her. this is the reason she's in the shit again, because one of those officers she declined to prosecute is the perp in this current case.
it's sickening to live in a world in which a nation such as america wields the most power, has the most 'wealth', and abuses both to terrorize it's own citizens and much of the rest of the world with it's police state and bloated military, it's corrupt and vile politicians, it's corrupt and controlled corporate media. plus it's leading the way to doom with it's gross consumerism/consumption and disregard for environmental and ecological concerns. and once again, whose sheeple are for the most part a bunch of ill informed and opinionated blue pill dogma addicts who don't know or seem to care about what's surreally going down.
it's sickening to be dystopian and doomed!
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