Tuesday, May 26, 2020

'jesus created animals for us to eat'

this is another reason why i hate christians, or any religions which posit that humans are the center of the biological universe, and that god created everything solely for our use and enjoyment!

in this short video promoting veganism from lee camp, about 8 minutes in are a couple of short clips featuring little girls who object to eating meat because it comes from what used to be living beings, similar to us. in the 2nd one, the girl's mother (i presume) tries to encourage her daughter to go ahead and eat it by claiming that 'jesus created animals for us to eat', which of course is derived from the biblical book of genesis.

i'm a hypocrite in that i haven't stopped totally eating meat even though i sympathize with the vegan argument against it, particularly in light of the way animals that are raised for slaughter in industrialized agriculture are done so often under horrific and environmentally destructive conditions, and are often slaughtered under horrific conditions (see the book SLAUGHTERHOUSE). it's a hard habit to break, without social support, but i don't feel justified to do so by the ridiculous and repugnant 'holy book' known as the bible. the whole idea behind the genesis account of creation was and is to instill in the minds of humans the idea that we're the only species whose lives matter. it's a very convenient idea for a culture set upon treating other species as mere inanimate possessions in order to facilitate our own enrichment, but it's a very faulty one, and considering the long term ramifications which those of us with a bit of rationality and knowledge are now able to perceive that stem from this anthrocentric biological worldview (i.e., rampant ecological destruction which is going to have a very adverse effect upon us very soon), a very suicidal one as well.


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