Tuesday, August 25, 2020


(note: due to a technical SNAFU i can't correct, the proper spacing between paragraphs isn't appearing in this essay. i'm sorry for this) i think u'll love greg palast, if u don't already. he's a wonderful and witty writer/investigator who specializes in exposing and documenting GOP voter suppression shenanigans. he's been at it for decades, written several books. he's american, now residing in london. if i recall correctly, he was pressured to become an ex-pat by threats that were made because of what he was doing. anyway, i see he has a brand new book out, published last month titled HOW TRUMP STOLE 2020: THE HUNT FOR AMERICA'S VANISHED VOTERS. i've just begun checking it out on amazon. just begun reading the sample of the book on display. it starts with chapter 2, which begins like this: america, let's talk. i get it. u're stunned u elected an orange-stained gelatinous bag of malicious mendacity, a snorting porcine pustule of bloviating bigot... a bloated ball of gracelessness and crybaby petulance as POTUS. (end book quotation) isn't that a great description of president pussy grabber? i read it and said to myself i must copy this and pass it along, along with a hearty endorsement of greg palast (already rendered). i think my writing style is similar to greg's. when i'm on my game, i perhaps can rival him as an alliterative rabble rousing wordsmith, but of course i don't and can't come close to his accomplishments or production. i can't seem to write more than a few paragraphs on any particular thing, nor can i seemlessly connect ideas into a smooth lengthy narrative. i'm torn between wanting recognition for my radical rabble rousing writing and dreading the consequences should that ever happen. i'm baffled and disappointed that my blog has no followers, generates no buzz amongst the small and select handful of 'radical' progressives who i've contacted via listserves like steubengreens. when i go back and review what i've written and the links i've posted, i'm mostly pleased and proud with the results. i'm obviously alone in that assessment. back to the book. here's it's amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/How-Trump-Stole-2020-Americas/dp/1644210568/ref=msx_wsirn_v1_1/134-8945744-2597639?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1644210568&pd_rd_r=9140044c-7550-484b-a540-7057de5f5bc7&pd_rd_w=3pDLR&pd_rd_wg=Y5H4a&pf_rd_p=3187ad9b-122f-43f5-9fd5-75b35f775d85&pf_rd_r=56W407FP786QKXVP4A6Z&psc=1&refRID=56W407FP786QKXVP4A6Z

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