Tuesday, July 21, 2020

richard dolan on conflating conspiracy theorizing with terrorism

this youtube video will be the 2nd one i'll supply the link to on my blog (which nobody reads!) coming from mr. doland. the first was for the talk he gave commemorating the 17th anniversary of 9/11. both of them are tours de force of knowledge, understanding, and controlled passion for getting the truth out to whoever's willing and able to swallow the red pill.
i've always felt there's too much on my mental plate to delve into the rabbit hole of UFOs, so most of mr. dolan's work is beyond me. however, this video along with the other mentioned above suggest that mr. dolan is well worth monitoring, by both friend and foe. he possesses an exceptional mind and an apparent exceptional desire to dig for forbidden knowledge, or at least knowledge which requires much time and effort to acquire... and a great ability to then articulate and convey it in videos.
this knowledge and understanding he's acquired, and seeks to pass on via video, is, as he acknowledged, potentially very 'destabilizing'. of course it is! revolutionary is more like it. for when one comes to know and understand what's going on in the world that intentionally doesn't get reported, and to what degree a very tiny minority of humans control wealth and power, and often conspire to misinform and manipulate public opinion for their own private agendas (mainly the maintenance or expansion of their already grossly bloated wealth and power), when one knows the extended documented history of such conspiracy and deceit, often leading to all sorts of mayhem up to and including major wars... well, one is no longer inclined to trust 'authority', or to blindly obey it (except when intimidated to do so).
'terrorism' is in the eyes of the beholder. to the establishment, anything or anyone which threatens their status quo perhaps creates fear, and thus can be considered 'terrorism'.


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