Sunday, June 9, 2024

nightmare at Al-Aqsa

i haven't posted anything about the zionist slaughter of palestinians lately, posted a few times about it towards the end of last year. it's still going on.

i feel kind of dirty, kind of complicit, since i haven't done anything to try to stop it myself, besides write a few pieces of indignation both here and in emails to 'the choir', such as they may be, a few local progressives. whenever i read a report like the one linked below detailing a recent war crime, i think once again about doing a public protest. such thoughts never go far tho. they falter and die when i think about the vast ignorance and indifference of the public, plus facing opposition of brainwashed pro-zionists.

president genocide joe biden and a great majority of congress remain staunchly pro-zionist in the face of these ongoing war crimes, and the american public en masse continues to support the whole zionist political establishment in america, which continues to supply 'aid'/arms to israel, further enriching american arms manufacturers at the expense of american tax payers and palestinian lives. what a sick, stupid, crazy, and evil nation!

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