Saturday, May 25, 2024

the conspiracy effect

becoming aware of what can only be described as massive elaborate conspiracies on an international scale to misinform the masses re. certain important historical events (most prominent examples: jfk assassination, 9/11 false flag) has profoundly affected my worldview, such that i no longer have complete faith in anything i'm told is true unless i have firsthand knowledge or experience which i trust which confirms the claim (and even then, mustn't i doubt my own perceptions?). as a result, i no longer have absolute faith in scientific claims. an example:

according to science, the universe is a very mysterious place in which most matter and energy can't be perceived or detected. these things, labelled dark matter and dark energy, are only believed to exist because without them, the observable universe can't be explained.

there's many other examples of scientific claims purported to be unassailable facts which must be taken on faith by a laysherson such as myself whose knowledge and intellect is too limited. example: the existence of molecules, atoms, their components and the mysterious forces that bind them: protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.. i still accept their existence as facts, but, my mind is now open as it wasn't b4 i became a 'conspiracy theorist' that, for reasons i may not know or even be able to understand, all these things may be based upon elaborate lies.

i'm not sure what to make of this observation other than the conjecture that this effect may be a prime reason why many other seemingly very intelligent and open minded sheeple dismiss out of hand the notion that elaborate massive conspiracies exist which dupe the masses. could it be that such critical thinkers' minds can't deal with the radical notion that virtually everything they've ever been led to believe or perceive could be a lie?

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