Sunday, June 16, 2024

gatekeeper chomsky

recent article in common dreams reported noam chomsky is ailing, 95 years old, and had a major stroke last year. it was a very complimentary piece calling him the 'lion of the left'. this was posted a few days before i got to it. there were about 20 reader comments already. below is the comment i posted:

coming perhaps too late to this discussion, my comment here probably won’t be seen by many of the readers of this article. i have basically one comment to make which somewhat surprisingly to me hasn’t been made yet here: chomsky is a very puzzling ‘radical’ intellectual whose own writings and statements seem to be in essence unharmonious. on the one hand he is the author of MANFACTURING CONSENT, which powerfully makes the case that the ‘western’ corporate media is basically a tool of propaganda that promotes western militarism and imperialist wars, a view which everyone here seems well familiar with. but on the other hand there is the chomsky who expressed utter disdain for the ‘conspiracy theories’ regarding the JFK assassination and the 9/11 false flag terrorism. this latter has led many ‘conspiracy theorists’ (a term i recognize as meant to be pejorative, but still use for lack of a more commonly accepted one) like myself to conclude that chomsky is/was what we refer to as a ‘gate keeper’; that is a leftist who uses his well earned reputation as a brilliant intellectual to dissuade his admirers from looking into the actual facts which lead to the conclusion that there does exist a very mysterious and powerful criminal ‘deep state’ (another term which has been sullied by it’s misappropriation by the moronic likes of donald trump, unfortunately) which has both the means and the will to execute quite elaborate high level conspiracies and then cover them up and effectively deceive most of the public and in doing so alter the course of history. this suggests that chomsky wasn’t the pristine uncorruptible towering intellectual that his most ardent admirers would have us believe. it suggests that he was in fact an agent of deception regarding the existence of the ultimate powers that be which rule over us by means of ruthless violence and deceit.

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