Sunday, June 23, 2024

it bothers me

 i've been a fan of the journalism of abby martin for several years. an apparently uncorruptible radical progressive. journalists like her aren't employed by big corporate media; they exist on the fringes. only known to those who seek them outside of the mainstream (lamestream). one of abby's chief concerns in recent years has been the plight of palestinians under israeli apartheid. the video linked below was put out 5 years ago. it graphically portrays their suffering and oppression in gaza, referred to as an open air prison, i think with good reason. i think this portrayal of life in gaza under israeli military control is accurate. it is of course in sharp contrast to the reporting of the situation there and the conflict according to our national government and corporate media.

is it possible that our government and media are simply honestly mistaken in it's eternal support for zionism and it's portrayal of the downtrodden palestinian people as 'terrorists' which our good ally israel has every right to suppress? do u think they could have been wrong consistently for the past century, as the zionist colonization of palestine and the violent displacement of the palestinian people has been ongoing? do u think there's even a remote chance that the institutions which govern and inform our worldview are honest and as virtuous and well meaning as they would have us believe?

does it bother u to live in a society whose most powerful institutions r thoroughly corrupted and dishonest? it does me. 

does it bother u to live in a society in which government and media aren't held accountable for their corruption and dishonesty? does it bother u that so many, i think a great majority of americans r brainwashed and lack sufficient critical thinking ability to discern for themselves that their government and media  can't be trusted? it does me.

does it bother u that there's little to no acknowledgment (or perhaps awareness) even among progressive intellectuals (as presumably many here r) that we're living in a society of massive systemic deceit and misinformation? it does me.

does it bother u to be part of a very small and impotent minority as our corrupt and dishonest establishment continues to prop up a status quo of extreme inequality, injustice, and war profiteering and criminality? and as most americans for whatever reasons continue to support the establishment and status quo? it does me.

it bothers me. i wish i knew something more effective to do about it than this ineffective post.

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