Monday, July 1, 2024

the stage has been set

 today the supreme court of the u.s. (SCOTUS) ruled that u.s. presidents have "absolute immunity" from criminal prosecution for anything they do in an official capacity. this supreme court dominated by right wing loonies appointed by republican presidents from the first bush (most notably clarence thomas) to trump (3 right wing loonies) (currently 6 of the 9 are conservatives, with the current chief justice, roberts, perhaps the least loony)... this supreme court takes the loony cake. they've just set the stage for a second trump presidency becoming a dystopian dictatorship, encouraging that lunatic to go further yet in flouting the law in his sick pursuit of power (and perhaps in his mind, 'glory'). and the american sheeple have proven repeatedly to be incapable of making intelligent, sane, well informed political decisions, their corrupt and pathetic political opposition in the democratic party, our corrupt corporate media, insanely armed populace and military, combined with the surging crisis brought on by our species scientifically heedless headlong plunge into population overshoot, ecological and environmental destruction, resource depletion, and climate disruption, worldwide violent conflicts based on nationality, ethnicity, and religion (and competition for increasingly scarce and precious resources)... all adds up to an approaching climax to this dystopian and doomed world, perhaps? 

could be. it's only a matter of time, place, and circumstance, the coming plunge into the abyss. could be in the next 10 years, could be longer. i can't imagine it being very much longer, but i could be wrong. doomers have been wrong before, like 20 years ago when seemingly well informed sober minds were warning of imminent oil production peaking and then going into steep decline. but i've thought for years now that the collapse will likely come around the middle of this century. so within a few decades.

a much more imminent threat is a 2nd trump presidency. the surreal powers that be may not object to a trump presidency morphing into a 'dictatorship' in which even 'ordinary' nobodies like me are persecuted or killed for expressing opposition, as has happened in other places. trump's big on loyalty and intolerant of dissent. the quote below comes from a common dreams article linked below. 

The high court's 6-3 decision along ideological lines granted former President Donald Trump "absolute immunity" for acts that fall within the scope of the "responsibilities of the executive branch under the Constitution," as Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.

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