Thursday, July 25, 2024

dear barrie

 (reverting to my usual lazy casual practice of no / few CAPS)

i sent an email earlier today to barrie zwicker, whose book TOWERS OF DECEPTION has provided material to quote and comment on for the past few days here. it included a link to this blog, so maybe he'll read this. thus the title of this post.

i'm addressing u because i have no readers or close confidantes. indeed there are few sheeple (explanation for my use of 'sheeple' here, along with some 9/11 related talk):

picking up where we left off, there's no one  i know who i can relate to very well. as i wrote in a recent entry to this blog, i relate to the protagonist in the very short science fiction story EIGHT O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. i've awakened and everyone else is still hypnotized or indoctrinated. i can't believe how dumbed down, dogmatic, puritanical, indoctrinated america is, can't believe how stupidcrazy american politics are, or how the mass media is exactly as u described it in your book as i quoted in my previous post. it's feeding the public daily booster shots of idiocy, ignorance, lies and propaganda.

this has become painfully obvious and disturbing to me. it's truly dystopian, orwellian, hellish. i love to learn so i read a lot to sate my curiosity and thirst for knowledge, but now it seems the more i learn the more alienated, frustrated, alarmed, frightened, and hopeless i'm becoming.

as an adult i've always been oddly viscerally alienated, including often from myself. in conforming i tend to lose my identity, thus the self alienation. and as bernays said in his famous quote (broadly paraphrasing) "for a 'democracy' to work, public opinion must be molded to conform to whatever the rulers want", and beyond relatively superficial ways one may be different, conforming to artificial laws and peer pressure is a requirement in this dystopia if one wishes to be 'free' from incarceration, condemnation, and being shunned, especially by authoritarian followers, fascists, and dogma addicts.

for many years i've suppressed this publicly for the most part, only expressing my true thoughts and feelings in this blog and to a handful of local progressives, of whom it seems the vast majority if not all of them have not engaged with, supported, or empathized much. because of this, i've pretty much been reduced to writing posts nobody reads, in a vain hope that somehow, some day, someone will, and i won't be so alone. then, maybe others will too.

i'm under no illusions that the world can be saved or the masses awakened to the harsh knowledge a very few now share. this blog isn't about salvation; it's about alleviation of isolation and commiseration. as the old saying goes, 'misery loves company'. or as billy joel sang in PIANO MAN, 'sharing a drink called loneliness is better than drinking alone'.

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