Thursday, July 25, 2024

the function of mass media

Barrie Zwicker's excellently written TOWERS OF DECEPTION is chock full of quotable quotes. It's a shame such reading material isn't more popular. Here's one more from near the end of the book, on p. 351:

"The current system of the rich getting obscenely richer while while more and more people starve, and diminishing resources are squandered on armaments is unsustainable. This very unsustainability contributes to the world being in it's current multi-dimensional crisis. It's most important dimension by far is the environmental one. We're destroying the Earth's life support systems; of that there is abundant evidence. There are also growing economic crisis, building like earthquake pressures. Millions are shielded from awareness of our precarious situation by the mass media, which function to anesthetize, distract, confuse, and mislead on most major issues most of the time."

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