Thursday, July 25, 2024

dear barrie

 (reverting to my usual lazy casual practice of no / few CAPS)

i sent an email earlier today to barrie zwicker, whose book TOWERS OF DECEPTION has provided material to quote and comment on for the past few days here. it included a link to this blog, so maybe he'll read this. thus the title of this post.

i'm addressing u because i have no readers or close confidantes. indeed there are few sheeple (explanation for my use of 'sheeple' here, along with some 9/11 related talk):

picking up where we left off, there's no one  i know who i can relate to very well. as i wrote in a recent entry to this blog, i relate to the protagonist in the very short science fiction story EIGHT O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. i've awakened and everyone else is still hypnotized or indoctrinated. i can't believe how dumbed down, dogmatic, puritanical, indoctrinated america is, can't believe how stupidcrazy american politics are, or how the mass media is exactly as u described it in your book as i quoted in my previous post. it's feeding the public daily booster shots of idiocy, ignorance, lies and propaganda.

this has become painfully obvious and disturbing to me. it's truly dystopian, orwellian, hellish. i love to learn so i read a lot to sate my curiosity and thirst for knowledge, but now it seems the more i learn the more alienated, frustrated, alarmed, frightened, and hopeless i'm becoming.

as an adult i've always been oddly viscerally alienated, including often from myself. in conforming i tend to lose my identity, thus the self alienation. and as bernays said in his famous quote (broadly paraphrasing) "for a 'democracy' to work, public opinion must be molded to conform to whatever the rulers want", and beyond relatively superficial ways one may be different, conforming to artificial laws and peer pressure is a requirement in this dystopia if one wishes to be 'free' from incarceration, condemnation, and being shunned, especially by authoritarian followers, fascists, and dogma addicts.

for many years i've suppressed this publicly for the most part, only expressing my true thoughts and feelings in this blog and to a handful of local progressives, of whom it seems the vast majority if not all of them have not engaged with, supported, or empathized much. because of this, i've pretty much been reduced to writing posts nobody reads, in a vain hope that somehow, some day, someone will, and i won't be so alone. then, maybe others will too.

i'm under no illusions that the world can be saved or the masses awakened to the harsh knowledge a very few now share. this blog isn't about salvation; it's about alleviation of isolation and commiseration. as the old saying goes, 'misery loves company'. or as billy joel sang in PIANO MAN, 'sharing a drink called loneliness is better than drinking alone'.

the function of mass media

Barrie Zwicker's excellently written TOWERS OF DECEPTION is chock full of quotable quotes. It's a shame such reading material isn't more popular. Here's one more from near the end of the book, on p. 351:

"The current system of the rich getting obscenely richer while while more and more people starve, and diminishing resources are squandered on armaments is unsustainable. This very unsustainability contributes to the world being in it's current multi-dimensional crisis. It's most important dimension by far is the environmental one. We're destroying the Earth's life support systems; of that there is abundant evidence. There are also growing economic crisis, building like earthquake pressures. Millions are shielded from awareness of our precarious situation by the mass media, which function to anesthetize, distract, confuse, and mislead on most major issues most of the time."

Monday, July 22, 2024

this hellish world

 am i living in hell, or at least a world with remarkably hellish aspects?

it appears humans have conquered their environment. in doing so, we've wiped out about 3/4 of other species, as we've taken over their habitat and adapted it to serve our perverse desire to thrive at the expense of others.

if an omnipotent god be, everything that exists must be a manifestation of divine will, including suffering. suffering of all beings. non human organisms suffer. this suffering is obvious to any sentient sane human who observes atrocities like industrial factory farming of 'livestock', beings conceived to be consumed by us, an industry which creates great wealth / power for it's owners, as occurs with capitalism. capitalism is totally perverse. it rewards pathological behavior, selfishness, callousness, and cruelty.

i'm not good at finishing thoughts.

my shersonal life certainly has a hellish aspect. this supports other facts which suggest that god, if there be one, is at least partially malevolent. maybe it, like us, lacks free will. maybe it has no choice but to feed upon suffering to support it's own existence. if suffering be it's sustenance, this world provides a smorgasbord of it.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Gaza Fights For Freedom

You'll never see anything like this documentary in american lamestream media. It gives voice to the the long suffering oppressed  and brutalized Palestinian people under Israeli control. The fact that the Zionist controlled American establishment provides political cover and military support to this criminal regime is shameful beyond words, or par for the course for America's "invisible government".

Once again, Abby Martin's journalism shines like a beacon to radical truthseekers:

Saturday, July 20, 2024

the invisible elephant (in the room)


“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
― Edward Bernays, Propaganda

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

― Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom

“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”

― William Colby, former director of the CIA

These quotes are well sourced; google them if u wish. I've come across all of them (and others like them) before, including in barrie zwicker's excellent book TOWERS OF DECEPTION : THE MEDIA COVER-UP OF 9/11 . They are all footnoted. For example, the Roosevelt quote is from a speech to the national convention of the Progressive party in Chicago on Aug 6, 1912.

Note these quotes all go back decades ago. The 'invisible' government' of which they speak is not a very recent phenomenon. It's been around longer than anyone alive today. I'd like to know how familiar u are with this concept. I suspect some of u are mostly if not entirely unfamiliar with it. It's not the sort of thing one normally learns about in school or from mass media. Not at all normal to bring it up as i'm doing here and now. In addition to being 'invisible', it's very secretive and conspiratorial and ruthless and powerful and intimidating.

The elephant may be invisible but it leaves very visible tracks. The most notable ones in my 65 years have been the JFK coup d'etat and 9/11 false flag. This is how those of us in the 'conscious Left' (barrie zwicker's term) know the invisible elephant exists. There are mountains of evidence which prove beyond a reasonable doubt that our most powerful institutions, big government and big media, are both entirely controlled by this shadowy 'power' spoken of by the very powerful and prominent men quoted above, this 'invisible government'.

These mountains of evidence are not to be found in school books or big media. One must independently seek out facts which the invisible elephant doesn't want us to know about or discuss.  The elephant leaves such conspicuous evidence of it's existence. It's impossible to spin huge elaborate lies (conspiracies) involving scores or hundreds (thousands?) of witting participants in the public eye and fool everyone (including the scores or hundreds or thousands of witnesses on the scene who observe facts which show the official narrative to be false).

There's a reason scores or hundreds of books have been written about these events. It's the effort of independent individuals / journalists to expose the elephant, to awaken a somnolent sheeple to the truth of our world. The truth that that elephant we can't see does exist.

i've read many such books and similar others involving dirty deeds not done dirt cheap, assassinations, coups, false flags that serve as pretexts for wars of aggression which profit the elephant. It's very well documented that a primary function of 'intelligence' agencies like the CIA is the commission of such dirty deeds. All one need do is seek out such documentation and take the time and make the effort to absorb and synthesize the information.

What puzzles me most now about the elephant is the near total lack of acknowledgement of it by the 'conscious Left' which i presume must include some reading this. Considering the considerable shadow it casts over our lives, this puzzles me to no end.  It's the primary obstacle preventing the Left from achieving the goal of a more equitable, just, environmentally responsible and peaceful world. A goal which now is beyond urgent.

The first step in solving any problem is acknowledging it's existence.


'it is a startling anomaly for so many organs and leaders of the conscious Left to be seemingly unconscious regarding 9/11. More than a few on the Left share the opinion of progressive film maker Roy Harvey that the greatest single obstacle to the spread of 9/11 truth is the Left media. To my mind, the relationship of Chomsky and the Left gatekeepers on 9/11 is analogous to the relationship of the White House and the 9/11 Commision. Both relationships are so tight as to invite close scrutiny.'  

above quote from Barrie Zwicker, author of TOWERS OF DECEPTION, a great book on the role played by not only corporate media but also much 'independent' media in assisting governments in promoting the official narrative of 9/11. in this book he mentions a book on the JFK assassination i've not read, but according to reviews (and Zwicker's praise) might well be the best book to read first for any radical truthseeker who is a novice to the subject, titled BLOODY TREASON.

Zwicker uses a term i might start using in place of 'the deep state': 'Invisible Government'. this book is sprinkled with memorable quotes, both from the Z man and other notables, like the following:

''The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media" -William Colby, former CIA Director

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Apocalypse Of Coercion

 The authors of 9/11 needed a horrifyingly spectacular, murderous attack on the American “homeland” in order to elicit this “Pearl Harbor effect.” They needed to “disrupt America’s self-mythology of being invincible” so that Arabs and Muslims “would never be forgiven in the irrational American sentiment.” They were not interested in triggering just one quick war in Afghanistan, or a second one in Iraq. They were after “the war that will not end in our lifetimes”–an ongoing war that would remove Americans’ Constitutional liberties, massively increase military expenditures, and legitimize attacks against Middle Eastern nations for decades into the future, on behalf of Israeli expansionism and the petrodollar hegemony on which it depends.

9/11, in short, was an apocalypse of coercion. It was a psy-op on a scale of murderousness and mendacity to make the Reichstag Fire look like a kid playing with matches.

Monday, July 15, 2024

eight o'clock in the morning

title of this post is a short story by ray nelson. a very short story with a very simple message and protagonist who awakens from hypnosis to perceive surreality as it surreally is. he sees that reptilian aliens are ruling the world and constantly brainwashing the human masses. there's evidence they consume human flesh, and they're rather repulsive looking. they control everything, especially the mass media, which is used as a tool of constant hypnotic reinforcement and indoctrination.  it's clear that the aliens are hear to control and exploit us, which they're doing very successfully. (google eight o'clock in the morning to read the rest. i'll summarize it here: the protagonist manages to spark a human awakening which leads to violent clashes with their lizard masters, ultimately successful, but doesn't live to see it, as he obediently succumbs to a heart attack ordered by his alien handler).

other than the last parts, i relate a lot to this protagonist. i feel as though i've 'awakened' from hypnotic delusions to clearly see the dystopia i'm enmeshed in; from most of my indoctrination, into awareness of it, awareness of the immense amount of time and effort that goes into controlling how we perceive and experience our world. who exactly is in control remains a mystery, but they obviously have no regard for the long term health of our ecosphere or the long term survivability of my species, which makes me think they could be alien. either that or stupidcrazy. any way, it spells doom.

Monday, July 8, 2024

evel knievel rodney dangerfield

 terrific documentary about the life of bob 'evel' knievel. the godfather of extreme sports in america:

this one too, about the man who got no respect, rodney dangerfield:

Monday, July 1, 2024

the stage has been set

 today the supreme court of the u.s. (SCOTUS) ruled that u.s. presidents have "absolute immunity" from criminal prosecution for anything they do in an official capacity. this supreme court dominated by right wing loonies appointed by republican presidents from the first bush (most notably clarence thomas) to trump (3 right wing loonies) (currently 6 of the 9 are conservatives, with the current chief justice, roberts, perhaps the least loony)... this supreme court takes the loony cake. they've just set the stage for a second trump presidency becoming a dystopian dictatorship, encouraging that lunatic to go further yet in flouting the law in his sick pursuit of power (and perhaps in his mind, 'glory'). and the american sheeple have proven repeatedly to be incapable of making intelligent, sane, well informed political decisions, their corrupt and pathetic political opposition in the democratic party, our corrupt corporate media, insanely armed populace and military, combined with the surging crisis brought on by our species scientifically heedless headlong plunge into population overshoot, ecological and environmental destruction, resource depletion, and climate disruption, worldwide violent conflicts based on nationality, ethnicity, and religion (and competition for increasingly scarce and precious resources)... all adds up to an approaching climax to this dystopian and doomed world, perhaps? 

could be. it's only a matter of time, place, and circumstance, the coming plunge into the abyss. could be in the next 10 years, could be longer. i can't imagine it being very much longer, but i could be wrong. doomers have been wrong before, like 20 years ago when seemingly well informed sober minds were warning of imminent oil production peaking and then going into steep decline. but i've thought for years now that the collapse will likely come around the middle of this century. so within a few decades.

a much more imminent threat is a 2nd trump presidency. the surreal powers that be may not object to a trump presidency morphing into a 'dictatorship' in which even 'ordinary' nobodies like me are persecuted or killed for expressing opposition, as has happened in other places. trump's big on loyalty and intolerant of dissent. the quote below comes from a common dreams article linked below. 

The high court's 6-3 decision along ideological lines granted former President Donald Trump "absolute immunity" for acts that fall within the scope of the "responsibilities of the executive branch under the Constitution," as Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.