on this easter sunday i think it appropriate to point out one of the many atrocities that the roman catholic church has perpetrated it has much blood on it's hands. it's various 'crusades' have in fact been genocides.
some will claim that such an assertion is biased against the church, but i think it's well documented and reflective of well informed and unbiased opinion.
at the bottom is a link to the best website i've discovered that covers a crusade. this particular one took place in the south of france in the early 13th century, and was precipitated by a rebellion against catholic doctrine and corruption. it involved wholesale slaughter of civilians (perhaps more than a million of them) by the crusaders, which considering the much lower population back then, makes it an even more 'impressive' wholesale slaughter in terms of percent. here's a quote regarding this crusade from the first page of the website:
It was a formal crusade in the full sense of the word - preached and directed by the papacy, and offering participants the remission of sins and an assured place in heaven. The Crusaders regarded themselves as being "on God's business" and referred to themselves as "pilgrims".
below is a brief description of what this 'crusade' entailed from the same page:
Terror tactics included mass indiscriminate slaughter as at Béziers and Marmande (and planned for Toulouse), various attrocities as at Bram and Lavaur, and mass burnings as at Minerve, Lavaur, Les casses and Montsegur.
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