Friday, March 3, 2023


i've read or heard multiple times that 40% of the food america produces for domestic consumption ends up in the trash.  i think it's indicative of a nation where sheeple have far more wealth than environmental awareness.
i've chosen to live about as frugally as possible ever since i became aware that resources are limited and the path of infinite economic growth (and consumption) we're on is ludicrous and tragic.
very small instances of careless and thoughtless wastefulness, the sorts of things it seems a large majority of americans take for granted, bother me much more than anyone i know.  perhaps too much.  it is one of the sources of my alienation and inability to relate well with others.  even members of the green party and other progressives who no doubt are far more aligned with me on this subject get under my skin sometimes when they fail to meet my standards of frugality.i relate very well to something the late great george carlin said once about sheeple (though not in regards to just this issue).  here it is:

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