Saturday, February 8, 2020

sexual dystopia

any society which seeks to stigmatize and/or criminalize lustful sex for pleasure, satisfaction, or profit is sick n evil. such 'morality' is perverse. 'free love' is ideal, virtuous. bonobo chimps epitomize this. they're far more peaceful among themselves than their closest cousins, humans and 'regular' chimps. i strongly suspect that human societies, if allowed 'free love', will/would also be a lot more peaceful. a lot more compassionate. sexual repression is mean spirited, and it makes sheeple mean spirited. i suspect this pleases 'authority'. it not only divides and alienates, it fosters frustration and rage. facilitates war and warrior spirit.

the main reason i've come to loathe dogmatic puritanical patriarchal religions like christianity is their sexual repression. i think it's a tool of psychological control. i think it's a humiliation, a way for 'authority' to let us know who's boss. without sexual freedom, without freedom over one's own body and relationship freedom, 'freedom' is a farce. sheeple aren't free! we're slaves of the state, of 'authority', of dogmatic puritanism. this is also why i've grown to utterly despise 'authority'. huge resentment.

'authority' in my society/culture comes from deceit, violence, intimidation, fear. the vast majority of sheeple are brainwashed to embrace 'authority'. brainwashed to believe bullshit like humans are 'sinners' in need of not only redemption, but puritanical control. this is a primary reason i've come to have much contempt for sheeple in general. much alienation, self isolation. i'm in rebellion, quiet rebellion, largely closeted rebellion.

i used to be brainwashed too, a long time ago. brainwashing is ubiquitous in my society. parents who don't brainwash their kids are in danger of being charged as immoral, unfit. their kids can be taken away. besides the fact we're facing rather imminent doom, this is another very powerful reason in my view for not procreating. sexual dystopia! it affects and poisons all intimate relationships, not just sexual ones!

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