Saturday, August 10, 2024

ho hum, another day, another israeli war crime using american supplied arms

 just about every day since the most recent israeli war began last october, there's been news reports of israel murdering scores of palestinian civilians in gaza, where they live and die like sitting ducks who have no where to flee to escape this insane violence. today was no different, just as the reporting of it on american tv news was no different. it's reported with absolutely no sense of outrage, no sense that this bombing of defenseless civilians is an outrageous atrocity. apparently palestinian lives aren't worthy of such outrage from america's 'independent' media. otoh, whenever  there's a 'terrorist attack' by some palestinian who's rightfully fed-up with what israel has been doing to his people, perhaps a suicide bombing that kills one or 2 or a few israelis, it's reported much differently. this ongoing disparity in reporting this deadly violence is sickening, just as is the ongoing steadfast american government support in terms of supplying free military aid and political cover to the war criminal israeli regime. as is the american sheeple's apparent indifference or lack of awareness to this disparity. if the american sheeple had any brains and compassion they might just perceive it and demand an end to it by refusing to continue to support the zionist political parties that enable it. however i'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen and u shouldn't either. i don't recall who it was that said or wrote something to the effect that it's impossible to over estimate the stupidity or gullibility of the public, but they were certainly right!

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