Thursday, January 23, 2020

sick n evil!

it troubles me that my universe is absurd, as awful as it is awesome. it troubles me more that the same can be said of us humans.

i've read many books on the american criminal (in)'justice' system, including one recently titled SOLITARY, the memoir of a black louisiana man who was kept in solitary confinement for over 40 years after being framed for the murder of a prison guard. the practice of solitary confinement is widely recognized by mental health professionals and human rights activists as a form of torture. it is a practice, like many other infamous ones, that the usa, this bastion of 'freedom and democracy', 'liberty and justice for all', leads the world in.

in the book, the warden of this infamous angola prison in louisiana, a very devout 'conservative' christian named burl cain, refers to prisoners who complain about the mistreatment they're subjected to in solitary confinement as 'crybabies'.

so why is the usa a world leader in incarceration and torture of prisoners? i submit it's because the usa is very much under the influence of 'conservative' christians, citizens (particularly many in key positions of 'authority', like mr. cain) encouraged and inclined to believe in and worship a god who is dogmatic, puritanical, patriarchal, judgmental, and infinitely punitive. they believe humans are 'sinners' who deserve to die (the wages of sin!) and then be judged, condemned, and punished for eternity! considering this, locking someone up for over 40 years under conditions designed to drive one insane is not considered cruel or unusual punishment. it's simply following the example of a god who 'conservative' christians insist is 'righteous' and 'loving'.

the dogma or presumption of human 'sinfulness' is diametrically opposed to the presumption of innocence which supposedly is granted to americans facing persecution or prosecution by the (in)'justice' system.

america is as sick and evil as it is thanks in large part to it's 'christian conservatives' imho. 'conservative' christianity is fundamentally sick n evil!

it's fundamentally bullshit, too. i trust independent biblical scholars like these for the straight dope:

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