Friday, October 4, 2019

civilization isn't all that it's cracked up to be

truth can be a very unwieldy, complex, multi faceted thing, not easily or quickly articulated or understood. yet it's what i hope to help my readers discover here with this blog. call it a lazy human's guide to enlightenment. well, lazy in the sense of how much time and effort i'm putting into it. the surreal time and effort involved is in the in depth independent reading and research behind it, that i ask my readers to partake for themselves.

regarding civilization, i'm going to try to make the case, backed only by a few excellent references, that it is in fact a very bad thing. bad for humanity. bad for life in general. civilization is ecological cancer. it keeps growing and growing, destroying ecosystems in the process. civilized sheeple are for the most part out of touch with nature, including our own human nature. civilized social structures, based on the imposition of hierarchical patriarchal repression, private property, and nuclear families, goes against the grain of human evolution. it's artificial, not natural, and not conducive to achieving contentment or fulfillment.

i may return to and expand upon these bare boned ideas and assertions in many later posts. for now i'll just mention a couple of books which will get u started down the path to this worldview.

first there's AGAINST THE GRAIN by richard manning. subtitled: HOW AGRICULTURE HAS HIJACKED CIVILIZATION (which is stupid considering agriculture forms the very basis of civilization, but let's not get hung up on that). this book's not very long, and except for one chapter, i think the 2nd one, not particularly noteworthy. don't get me wrong, the whole book is very well conceived and written, and worth reading imo, but it is that one chapter in particular that paints a very revelatory picture of civilization's ecocidal roots that makes me highly recommend it.

the 2nd book is SEX AT DAWN by christopher ryan and cacilda jetha. it is a somewhat lengthy scientific exploration of the evolution of human sexuality and family structures, making a strong case in favor of the idea that we are by nature non monagamous free lovers evolved to be egalitarian communitarians, with families that extend far beyond the suffocating limitations of the exclusive, isolated, 2 parent nuclear families we're all familiar with and raised to think of as not only 'normal', but morally superior to any other way of being. that in fact children are much better off being raised in communities in which parenting is a communal responsibility. this should be obvious to anyone who ponders it with an open mind. unfortunately, pondering (thinking) and being open minded in a rational way, isn't very common among sheeple raised to be dogmatic.

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