Saturday, October 12, 2019

youth indoctrination centers

i love to learn, and after only a few years of it i learned to hate having to go to school!

granted, early on they do a good job of teaching kids to learn to read and write, along with basic math skills. but after that, forget about it!

'public schools' are elitist controlled institutions. the curriculum taught is determined by deep state controlled institutions and sheeple. 'teachers' have little to no say in the matter. venture too far afield from what the curriculum says, and they can be disciplined or lose their jobs. they don't get to teach what they consider to be most important, if it clashes with the hidden agenda or purpose of schooling, which will be discussed much further in links provided below.

unless one is home schooled, an option few parents choose, from 5 years old until at least the age of 16, youth are required to get up far too early in many cases in order to attend mind numbing classes for about 1/2 of their waking hours, then saddled with further mind numbing homework later. like their teachers, they have little to no choice regarding what they get to learn about. this effectively discourages and prevents independent inquiry and learning, which is a big part of that hidden agenda.

i read part of a biography of albert einstein some years ago. couldn't finish it, as it was too dry and boring to me (like the vast majority of what i 'learned' in school!). but a book by another great scientist, carl sagan, BROCA'S BRAIN, contains a chapter that's a very concise and engaging mini bio of einstein that i think captured the essence of his mind and worldview, which captured my rapt attention.

perhaps u recall as i do being taught in school that einstein was a poor student who dropped out of school. of course what they didn't teach was why. they didn't teach that einstein hated schooling for the same reason so many do: because of it's authoritarian nature, designed to fit the needs of the state, not the student. in sagan's book, this is spelled out in exquisite detail. below are a few quotes attributed to einstein taken from it:

it is little short of a miracle that modern schooling hasn't already completely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry -from page 25

through the reading of popular science books i soon reached the conviction that much of the bible was false. the consequence was a positively fanatical free thinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state: it was a crushing impression. suspicion of every kind of authority grew out of this experience. -p.29

my passionate interest in social justice and responsibility has always been in curious contrast to a marked lack of desire for direct association with men and women... i have never belonged wholeheartedly to a nation or state or to my circle of friends or family. these ties have always been accompanied by a vague aloofness, and the wish to withdraw into myself increases with age. such isolation is sometimes bitter, but i do not regret being cut off from the understanding and sympathy of others. i lose something by it, to be sure, but i am compensated by being rendered independent of their customs, opinions, and prejudices. i am not tempted to rest my peace of mind on such shifting foundations. -p.34

nationalism is an infantile disease. it is the measles of mankind... our schoolbooks glorify war and hide it's horrors. they inculcate hatred in the veins of children. i would teach peace rather than war. i would inculcate love rather than hate. -p.37

i feel in great company knowing einstein felt the same way about school and 'authority' in general.

another brilliant thinker, george carlin, who chose an entirely different field of occupation, comedy, also had some biting things to say about schooling, in a couple of links below.

finally, perhaps the best concise source on this topic comes from wikispooks. i highly recommend u check it out, especially the video link contained towards the end of it under the heading 'alternatives', which is a great discussion featuring a woman who has chosen to home school her children named laurette lynn. the work of john taylor gatto also is mentioned in this article. he's a former ny state teacher of the year who quit his job in disgust and proceeded to write a couple of books explaining why he did so, one of which is mentioned in this article. the one not mentioned is shorter and i actually liked it better. it's titled DUMBING US DOWN.

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