'when charged with a crime in america, it's better to be rich and guilty than to be poor and innocent' -bryan stevenson (perhaps a little paraphrased, reciting from memory)
now is a particularly good time to bring this topic up with a hollywood movie set to come out later this year (on christmas day) titled JUST MERCY, same as the book upon which it's based, written by a heroic selfless lawyer who's been representing poor clients on death row for many years now named bryan stevenson. There's buzz the movie may be academy award worthy and it stars a couple of the most prominent black actors in america today, michael b. jordan and jamie foxx.
i've read at least 1/2 dozen very good and very shocking nonfiction books which lay bare just how fucked up american criminal (in)'justice' is. If u're interested in the subject, u could do a lot worse than get started on it by reading JUST MERCY. a few others i can recall offhand include SOLITARY, THE SUN DOES SHINE, ACTUAL INNOCENCE, FALSE JUSTICE, and MEAN JUSTICE.
it's well known that american police very often get away with murder and other egregious abuses of their 'authority', particularly when dealing with poor black sheeple. Less well known is how american prosecutors and sometimes judges also abuse power with almost total impunity. In fact, it's currently settled law that prosecutors can conceal or falsify evidence, coerce testimony, solicit and suborn (pay a bribe for) perjured testimony, and use illegally seized evidence at trial, all with complete immunity from both criminal prosecution and civil liability for themselves. The rationale allowing such atrocious prosecutorial behavior is, as u might surmise, utter bullshit, but that's american 'justice' for u. Don't believe me? U can find out more about it in the books mentioned above, or more immediately, from a link posted below of a very brief and to the point essay which advocates ending prosecutorial immunity.
imo the american 'justice' system, with such perverse practices sanctioned by law, is inherently corrupt. It's designed to facilitate the framing of innocent defendents in order to railroad them into america's bloated prison population. In case u didn't know it, america, 'land of the free', leads all other nations in both total incarcerated and per capita incarceration, by quite a wide margin. In fact, compared to many other 'advanced' industrialized nations, america's incarceration rate is higher by a factor of about 10 or more!
talk about orwellian! Land of the free, indeed! More like land of the incarcerated. I guess the freedom lies in the ability of powerful 'authorities' to get away with just about anything when it comes to criminal (in)'justice'.
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