Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11 2019: some last words

b4 getting started here, i must totally clarify something. i prefer the term 'sheeple' over people. i've even invented a word for the singular form of sheeple: sherson. i mean absolutely no disrespect by these terms. in fact, i regularly think of and refer to myself as a sherson. i consider all civilized humans to be sheeple, and what i mean by this is that we're all domesticated, like livestock. in fact, this is the best way to understand the relationship between rulers (or 'authorities') and ruled.

agriculture is what defines civilization, and agriculture is all about the taming of the land, and particularly the taming of species, both plant and animal, that we eat. we tame them so that they may be more easily controlled, and ultimately exploited. this process of domestication has been the basis of all 'wealth' creation. the creation of wealth, or excess, in turn has led to social stratification and hierarchy, with the end result that civilized human societies have come to mirror the civilized human relationship to nature, in that the wealthy or powerful have learned they must control and exploit the masses below them. all civilized institutions, particularly civilized religions, have developed with this dynamic in mind. even the wealthy and powerful are to a large extent tamed too. this is necessary for that vaunted social order which 'conservatives' especially seem to have a great affinity for, 'law and order', to prevail. everyone must be taught to assume their role in society in accordance with their class, gender, etc.. so what we end up with is a society in which natural human proclivities, especially the hard wired instincts like sex, become very regulated. this is all done to maintain the status quo, which of course pleases 'authority' to no end, as it facilitates the retention of their exalted status and privilege.

so please don't get bent all out of shape and think i'm disrespecting u or others when i employ the term 'sheeple'. i'm simply being matter-of-fact and keeping in mind and hopefully reminding my readers that the price of being born into civilization, or captivity as it were, is universal domestication.

ok, so hopefully that's out of the way for now. let's proceed to the meaning of 9/11/2001.

again, as i wrote in an earlier post yesterday, to those uninitiated in the extremely deceptive and diabolical ways of the deep state, it's virtually impossible to imagine that 9/11 could have been a false flag, 'inside job' terrorist attack. we're all taught in school a lesson which is constantly being reinforced by the deep state controlled corporate mass media, as well as consensus public opinion/trance, that here in america we have a government that is 'of, by, and for the people'/(sheeple). we're led to believe that ours is an 'exceptional' nation, and that our government, though not perfect, is the best there is, characterized by good intentions, and motivated primarily to promote public virtue and high minded values such as democracy, freedom, and human rights. we're led to believe that american foreign policy is about spreading these virtues across the globe to others less fortunate and enlightened.

well, as i also wrote more or less yesterday, it turns out that none of this is true. it's all bullshit, all propaganda, designed to pacify, deceive, and facilitate control and manipulation of the masses, to maintain a status quo of incredible wealth inequality and injustice.

those who are particularly inclined to dogmatism (mainly 'conservatives'), and thus disinclined to independent and critical thought, imo have virtually no chance under this regime of breaking free from such conditioning. my writing is thus directed towards others, particularly those with past experience as freethinkers and autodidacts (self teachers). if u have the time and the curiosity and the rationality to discern the difference between scientific facts and dogmatic bullshit, u have the potential to uncover the truth. u have the potential for disillusionment, which arguably, is a mixed bag. certainly, as the guru of psychedelic exploration of inner consciousness, terrence mckenna, noted:

'the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation'.

actually, a pretty damned high level of alienation, if u ask me.

at any rate, if u're like me and u prefer knowledge, no matter how unsettling or 'inconvenient', over ignorance, go ahead and see for yourself if u have the time and ability. depending on your psychological starting point and aptitude, it may take a very short or a very long while before u see where i'm coming from, but if and when u get there, there's no turning back, and u will look upon your former self as u will now perceive the masses, and wonder how u could have been and how they can be so deceived. so 'stupid'. i mean, it's just so obvious. it's just a matter of breaking free from prior conditioning/indoctrination.

9/11 truth is very powerful life changing stuff. u will never look the same way at america, at 'authority', at the claims of the cia controlled corporate media, or 'intelligence' operatives, ever again.

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