among 'doomers' the name of al bartlett has long been revered thanks to a talk he began giving 50 years ago this month on the unsustainability of exponential growth on a finite planet. it's informative, interesting, provocative, and only a little over an hour long. the link below breaks it up conveniently into 8 short segments. watch it and see for yourself how quickly even small exponential growth leads to disaster:
Thursday, September 26, 2019
'3 chords and the truth'
the great ray charles is reported to have said that the appeal of american country music is the stories contained in it's songs. This too is what made me fall in love with this music, once i caught on to it. As far as i know, no other genre of music is so based in telling stories, particularly stories relating to the most meaningful aspects of life, stories about love, loss, family, death, etc.. Stories that are deeply emotional. Plus there's the great melodies and unbelievable singers and musicians.
if u can, check out the lengthy ken burns documentary on country music which just aired on pbs. No doubt it will be aired several more times in the next year or 2. Like all of burns films, it's a gem. Use the link below to listen to one of the most iconic songs in country music history, by one of it's most iconic artists:
if u can, check out the lengthy ken burns documentary on country music which just aired on pbs. No doubt it will be aired several more times in the next year or 2. Like all of burns films, it's a gem. Use the link below to listen to one of the most iconic songs in country music history, by one of it's most iconic artists:
6 days ago there was a very large and noteworthy global protest featuring mostly very young sheeple trying to raise awareness for the urgent need to address the climate crisis. the leader of this growing movement is a 16 year old swedish 'girl' named greta thunberg. i haven't written about her until now because she puts me to shame. i feel as though i should be doing what she is, and i am not. i've felt this way for years.
i love the way greta speaks in public, her intensity, her no nonsense approach. watching her one can sense the deep boiling passion inside her, as she attempts to take on the herculean task of 'saving the planet', 'changing the world'. i feel for her. such a burden to be placed upon such a 'little girl', but what choice does she have? she didn't choose to be born into such an insane world, in which her own future well being is placed in severe doubt. (sigh)
in my own ongoing struggle to address this, like i just wrote, i am put to shame. even though i understand the futility, because i understand the futility of trying to convince tens of millions of idiotic scientifically illiterate americans that this crisis is surreal and urgently needs addressing if there is to be any hope whatsoever for greta's and future generations to be able to have somewhat secure and stable lives, i am paralyzed into inactivity. i harbor no hope, no illusions regarding the possibility of 'saving the planet' in the face of such overwhelming odds/opposition.
in her ted talk linked below, towards the end greta states that hope can only come through action. i wonder if this is true. well, of course it is, but it takes more than the actions of a few million deeply concerned 'kids' around the globe to bring about such hope.
it's so easy to rationalize inaction in the face of despair when in the present moment the crisis doesn't feel urgent. it's not like a fire burning down your house, or a man pointing a gun in your face.
i've tried with some individuals i'm well acquainted with to explain to them how humans are changing the climate, how resources are finite and how infinite 'growth' is what cancer does, which leads to death. might as well talk to a wall. many sheeple are just too stupid (or maybe crazy) to understand. this has led me to the conclusion that sheeple in general will only believe what suits them, what will allow them to go on leading their comfortable, relatively untroubled lives. upon such reflection, i see how this applies to me as well, for believing the situation is hopeless allows me to do nothing about it as well, beyond the personal changes i made long ago to reduce my own 'carbon footprint', conserve resources, and contribute no further to human population overshoot.
i'm so appreciative of the movement greta's leading, even though i harbor no hope for it's ultimate success. it's good to know not everyone in the world is fucking stupid and/or crazy, and that some sheeple still care enough to try to do the right thing and 'save the planet'. i say there's no hope, but thanks to them, maybe there is just a flicker of it.
i love the way greta speaks in public, her intensity, her no nonsense approach. watching her one can sense the deep boiling passion inside her, as she attempts to take on the herculean task of 'saving the planet', 'changing the world'. i feel for her. such a burden to be placed upon such a 'little girl', but what choice does she have? she didn't choose to be born into such an insane world, in which her own future well being is placed in severe doubt. (sigh)
in my own ongoing struggle to address this, like i just wrote, i am put to shame. even though i understand the futility, because i understand the futility of trying to convince tens of millions of idiotic scientifically illiterate americans that this crisis is surreal and urgently needs addressing if there is to be any hope whatsoever for greta's and future generations to be able to have somewhat secure and stable lives, i am paralyzed into inactivity. i harbor no hope, no illusions regarding the possibility of 'saving the planet' in the face of such overwhelming odds/opposition.
in her ted talk linked below, towards the end greta states that hope can only come through action. i wonder if this is true. well, of course it is, but it takes more than the actions of a few million deeply concerned 'kids' around the globe to bring about such hope.
it's so easy to rationalize inaction in the face of despair when in the present moment the crisis doesn't feel urgent. it's not like a fire burning down your house, or a man pointing a gun in your face.
i've tried with some individuals i'm well acquainted with to explain to them how humans are changing the climate, how resources are finite and how infinite 'growth' is what cancer does, which leads to death. might as well talk to a wall. many sheeple are just too stupid (or maybe crazy) to understand. this has led me to the conclusion that sheeple in general will only believe what suits them, what will allow them to go on leading their comfortable, relatively untroubled lives. upon such reflection, i see how this applies to me as well, for believing the situation is hopeless allows me to do nothing about it as well, beyond the personal changes i made long ago to reduce my own 'carbon footprint', conserve resources, and contribute no further to human population overshoot.
i'm so appreciative of the movement greta's leading, even though i harbor no hope for it's ultimate success. it's good to know not everyone in the world is fucking stupid and/or crazy, and that some sheeple still care enough to try to do the right thing and 'save the planet'. i say there's no hope, but thanks to them, maybe there is just a flicker of it.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
from time to time i expect to post links to wikispooks articles on dystopian and doomed. hopefully readers will be able to access them. in recent years they have frequently been mysteriously unaccessable, i assume due to internet censorship, but lately i've been able to download them again. in the future, who knows? the quantity of information they provide often leaves much to be desired, but the quality is off the charts. below is a link explaining what wikispooks is about, and why it's needed.
good drug war news
it seems the legalization of hemp is throwing a major monkey wrench into marijuana prohibition enforcement.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
american 'justice'
'when charged with a crime in america, it's better to be rich and guilty than to be poor and innocent' -bryan stevenson (perhaps a little paraphrased, reciting from memory)
now is a particularly good time to bring this topic up with a hollywood movie set to come out later this year (on christmas day) titled JUST MERCY, same as the book upon which it's based, written by a heroic selfless lawyer who's been representing poor clients on death row for many years now named bryan stevenson. There's buzz the movie may be academy award worthy and it stars a couple of the most prominent black actors in america today, michael b. jordan and jamie foxx.
i've read at least 1/2 dozen very good and very shocking nonfiction books which lay bare just how fucked up american criminal (in)'justice' is. If u're interested in the subject, u could do a lot worse than get started on it by reading JUST MERCY. a few others i can recall offhand include SOLITARY, THE SUN DOES SHINE, ACTUAL INNOCENCE, FALSE JUSTICE, and MEAN JUSTICE.
it's well known that american police very often get away with murder and other egregious abuses of their 'authority', particularly when dealing with poor black sheeple. Less well known is how american prosecutors and sometimes judges also abuse power with almost total impunity. In fact, it's currently settled law that prosecutors can conceal or falsify evidence, coerce testimony, solicit and suborn (pay a bribe for) perjured testimony, and use illegally seized evidence at trial, all with complete immunity from both criminal prosecution and civil liability for themselves. The rationale allowing such atrocious prosecutorial behavior is, as u might surmise, utter bullshit, but that's american 'justice' for u. Don't believe me? U can find out more about it in the books mentioned above, or more immediately, from a link posted below of a very brief and to the point essay which advocates ending prosecutorial immunity.
imo the american 'justice' system, with such perverse practices sanctioned by law, is inherently corrupt. It's designed to facilitate the framing of innocent defendents in order to railroad them into america's bloated prison population. In case u didn't know it, america, 'land of the free', leads all other nations in both total incarcerated and per capita incarceration, by quite a wide margin. In fact, compared to many other 'advanced' industrialized nations, america's incarceration rate is higher by a factor of about 10 or more!
talk about orwellian! Land of the free, indeed! More like land of the incarcerated. I guess the freedom lies in the ability of powerful 'authorities' to get away with just about anything when it comes to criminal (in)'justice'.
now is a particularly good time to bring this topic up with a hollywood movie set to come out later this year (on christmas day) titled JUST MERCY, same as the book upon which it's based, written by a heroic selfless lawyer who's been representing poor clients on death row for many years now named bryan stevenson. There's buzz the movie may be academy award worthy and it stars a couple of the most prominent black actors in america today, michael b. jordan and jamie foxx.
i've read at least 1/2 dozen very good and very shocking nonfiction books which lay bare just how fucked up american criminal (in)'justice' is. If u're interested in the subject, u could do a lot worse than get started on it by reading JUST MERCY. a few others i can recall offhand include SOLITARY, THE SUN DOES SHINE, ACTUAL INNOCENCE, FALSE JUSTICE, and MEAN JUSTICE.
it's well known that american police very often get away with murder and other egregious abuses of their 'authority', particularly when dealing with poor black sheeple. Less well known is how american prosecutors and sometimes judges also abuse power with almost total impunity. In fact, it's currently settled law that prosecutors can conceal or falsify evidence, coerce testimony, solicit and suborn (pay a bribe for) perjured testimony, and use illegally seized evidence at trial, all with complete immunity from both criminal prosecution and civil liability for themselves. The rationale allowing such atrocious prosecutorial behavior is, as u might surmise, utter bullshit, but that's american 'justice' for u. Don't believe me? U can find out more about it in the books mentioned above, or more immediately, from a link posted below of a very brief and to the point essay which advocates ending prosecutorial immunity.
imo the american 'justice' system, with such perverse practices sanctioned by law, is inherently corrupt. It's designed to facilitate the framing of innocent defendents in order to railroad them into america's bloated prison population. In case u didn't know it, america, 'land of the free', leads all other nations in both total incarcerated and per capita incarceration, by quite a wide margin. In fact, compared to many other 'advanced' industrialized nations, america's incarceration rate is higher by a factor of about 10 or more!
talk about orwellian! Land of the free, indeed! More like land of the incarcerated. I guess the freedom lies in the ability of powerful 'authorities' to get away with just about anything when it comes to criminal (in)'justice'.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
9/11 2019: some last words
b4 getting started here, i must totally clarify something. i prefer the term 'sheeple' over people. i've even invented a word for the singular form of sheeple: sherson. i mean absolutely no disrespect by these terms. in fact, i regularly think of and refer to myself as a sherson. i consider all civilized humans to be sheeple, and what i mean by this is that we're all domesticated, like livestock. in fact, this is the best way to understand the relationship between rulers (or 'authorities') and ruled.
agriculture is what defines civilization, and agriculture is all about the taming of the land, and particularly the taming of species, both plant and animal, that we eat. we tame them so that they may be more easily controlled, and ultimately exploited. this process of domestication has been the basis of all 'wealth' creation. the creation of wealth, or excess, in turn has led to social stratification and hierarchy, with the end result that civilized human societies have come to mirror the civilized human relationship to nature, in that the wealthy or powerful have learned they must control and exploit the masses below them. all civilized institutions, particularly civilized religions, have developed with this dynamic in mind. even the wealthy and powerful are to a large extent tamed too. this is necessary for that vaunted social order which 'conservatives' especially seem to have a great affinity for, 'law and order', to prevail. everyone must be taught to assume their role in society in accordance with their class, gender, etc.. so what we end up with is a society in which natural human proclivities, especially the hard wired instincts like sex, become very regulated. this is all done to maintain the status quo, which of course pleases 'authority' to no end, as it facilitates the retention of their exalted status and privilege.
so please don't get bent all out of shape and think i'm disrespecting u or others when i employ the term 'sheeple'. i'm simply being matter-of-fact and keeping in mind and hopefully reminding my readers that the price of being born into civilization, or captivity as it were, is universal domestication.
ok, so hopefully that's out of the way for now. let's proceed to the meaning of 9/11/2001.
again, as i wrote in an earlier post yesterday, to those uninitiated in the extremely deceptive and diabolical ways of the deep state, it's virtually impossible to imagine that 9/11 could have been a false flag, 'inside job' terrorist attack. we're all taught in school a lesson which is constantly being reinforced by the deep state controlled corporate mass media, as well as consensus public opinion/trance, that here in america we have a government that is 'of, by, and for the people'/(sheeple). we're led to believe that ours is an 'exceptional' nation, and that our government, though not perfect, is the best there is, characterized by good intentions, and motivated primarily to promote public virtue and high minded values such as democracy, freedom, and human rights. we're led to believe that american foreign policy is about spreading these virtues across the globe to others less fortunate and enlightened.
well, as i also wrote more or less yesterday, it turns out that none of this is true. it's all bullshit, all propaganda, designed to pacify, deceive, and facilitate control and manipulation of the masses, to maintain a status quo of incredible wealth inequality and injustice.
those who are particularly inclined to dogmatism (mainly 'conservatives'), and thus disinclined to independent and critical thought, imo have virtually no chance under this regime of breaking free from such conditioning. my writing is thus directed towards others, particularly those with past experience as freethinkers and autodidacts (self teachers). if u have the time and the curiosity and the rationality to discern the difference between scientific facts and dogmatic bullshit, u have the potential to uncover the truth. u have the potential for disillusionment, which arguably, is a mixed bag. certainly, as the guru of psychedelic exploration of inner consciousness, terrence mckenna, noted:
'the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation'.
actually, a pretty damned high level of alienation, if u ask me.
at any rate, if u're like me and u prefer knowledge, no matter how unsettling or 'inconvenient', over ignorance, go ahead and see for yourself if u have the time and ability. depending on your psychological starting point and aptitude, it may take a very short or a very long while before u see where i'm coming from, but if and when u get there, there's no turning back, and u will look upon your former self as u will now perceive the masses, and wonder how u could have been and how they can be so deceived. so 'stupid'. i mean, it's just so obvious. it's just a matter of breaking free from prior conditioning/indoctrination.
9/11 truth is very powerful life changing stuff. u will never look the same way at america, at 'authority', at the claims of the cia controlled corporate media, or 'intelligence' operatives, ever again.
agriculture is what defines civilization, and agriculture is all about the taming of the land, and particularly the taming of species, both plant and animal, that we eat. we tame them so that they may be more easily controlled, and ultimately exploited. this process of domestication has been the basis of all 'wealth' creation. the creation of wealth, or excess, in turn has led to social stratification and hierarchy, with the end result that civilized human societies have come to mirror the civilized human relationship to nature, in that the wealthy or powerful have learned they must control and exploit the masses below them. all civilized institutions, particularly civilized religions, have developed with this dynamic in mind. even the wealthy and powerful are to a large extent tamed too. this is necessary for that vaunted social order which 'conservatives' especially seem to have a great affinity for, 'law and order', to prevail. everyone must be taught to assume their role in society in accordance with their class, gender, etc.. so what we end up with is a society in which natural human proclivities, especially the hard wired instincts like sex, become very regulated. this is all done to maintain the status quo, which of course pleases 'authority' to no end, as it facilitates the retention of their exalted status and privilege.
so please don't get bent all out of shape and think i'm disrespecting u or others when i employ the term 'sheeple'. i'm simply being matter-of-fact and keeping in mind and hopefully reminding my readers that the price of being born into civilization, or captivity as it were, is universal domestication.
ok, so hopefully that's out of the way for now. let's proceed to the meaning of 9/11/2001.
again, as i wrote in an earlier post yesterday, to those uninitiated in the extremely deceptive and diabolical ways of the deep state, it's virtually impossible to imagine that 9/11 could have been a false flag, 'inside job' terrorist attack. we're all taught in school a lesson which is constantly being reinforced by the deep state controlled corporate mass media, as well as consensus public opinion/trance, that here in america we have a government that is 'of, by, and for the people'/(sheeple). we're led to believe that ours is an 'exceptional' nation, and that our government, though not perfect, is the best there is, characterized by good intentions, and motivated primarily to promote public virtue and high minded values such as democracy, freedom, and human rights. we're led to believe that american foreign policy is about spreading these virtues across the globe to others less fortunate and enlightened.
well, as i also wrote more or less yesterday, it turns out that none of this is true. it's all bullshit, all propaganda, designed to pacify, deceive, and facilitate control and manipulation of the masses, to maintain a status quo of incredible wealth inequality and injustice.
those who are particularly inclined to dogmatism (mainly 'conservatives'), and thus disinclined to independent and critical thought, imo have virtually no chance under this regime of breaking free from such conditioning. my writing is thus directed towards others, particularly those with past experience as freethinkers and autodidacts (self teachers). if u have the time and the curiosity and the rationality to discern the difference between scientific facts and dogmatic bullshit, u have the potential to uncover the truth. u have the potential for disillusionment, which arguably, is a mixed bag. certainly, as the guru of psychedelic exploration of inner consciousness, terrence mckenna, noted:
'the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation'.
actually, a pretty damned high level of alienation, if u ask me.
at any rate, if u're like me and u prefer knowledge, no matter how unsettling or 'inconvenient', over ignorance, go ahead and see for yourself if u have the time and ability. depending on your psychological starting point and aptitude, it may take a very short or a very long while before u see where i'm coming from, but if and when u get there, there's no turning back, and u will look upon your former self as u will now perceive the masses, and wonder how u could have been and how they can be so deceived. so 'stupid'. i mean, it's just so obvious. it's just a matter of breaking free from prior conditioning/indoctrination.
9/11 truth is very powerful life changing stuff. u will never look the same way at america, at 'authority', at the claims of the cia controlled corporate media, or 'intelligence' operatives, ever again.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
'patriot' joe biden
it had been months since i'd last listened to the richard dolan 9/11 talk on youtube which i posted a link to in my earlier post today, so i only recalled generally it's contents. i was just watching it again and strongly reminded why i was so moved to highly recommend it. dolan comes across as extremely articulate and knowledgeable regarding many events surrounding 9/11.
about 40 minutes into this video, while discussing various details regarding the police state law known as 'the patriot act' that was rushed through congress in the wake of 9/11 and the almost simultaneous high profile anthrax letter attacks directed at certain high ranking u.s. government officials (also discussed by dolan in this video)... dolan makes a very interesting claim regarding the current democratic party front runner for president, joe biden (trump likes to call him 'sleepy joe' which i find odd, since 'sloppy joe' would be catchier considering the popularity of sloppy joe sandwiches... i digress). he reports that biden authored a crime bill in 1995, 7 years before the patriot act, which contained many provisions which were very similar if not identical to those found in the patriot act. hmmm..., very interesting. from such tidbits of information one can get a much clearer picture of such a man. he's clearly a creature of the establishment, in favor of vastly increased government power over individuals, vastly increased government surveillance and vastly decreased individual 'rights' (i like to put that word in quotations because i agree with george carlin that 'rights' are nothing more than abstract concepts or government guarantees that can be summarily revoked anytime in case of 'national emergency', as occurred in the case of the infamous internment of japanese americans during ww2). iow, biden's an asshole, a typical elite democratic party politician, in bed with the powers that be: corruption, big business, crony capitalism, dogmatic puritanical religion...
of course, this is obvious from other well known biden facts. he's long been a committed drug war hawk, for example.
u know, i actually don't know or rather can't recall many other specific details regarding sloppy joe's public record at this time. i may have forgotten many specifics but the core lesson learned regarding this pillar of the establishment hasn't been forgotten (more digression called for here: i don't think it's possible to be a high profile high ranking political pillar of the american establishment and not be an asshole. doesn't matter which party they're from, from clinton to reagan, the most successful american pols are very charming charismatic assholes who favor rotten evil policies like the infamous drug war)...
i'm not at all surprised that 'patriot' joe biden is a media darling and favorite among many liberals, touted as the best candidate to beat trump next year. he's someone the surreal powers that be, the shadowy puppet masters of the 'deep state', can feel very comfortable with. someone who can be trusted to not go rogue on them (a habit of trump's which obviously has him out of favor with those powers that be, as witnessed by how the whole 'liberal' media (not counting faux/fox news, obviously) has been unleashed to criticize and attempt to rein him in)... 'patriot' joe, like 'slick willy' and killary clinton and barack obomb'em, is an establishment wet dream.
while biden promises to be an upgrade over the moronic donald trump, i see very little reason to rejoice at the prospect of a president biden. nothing of greatest importance will change much. i'm inclined to agree again with my dead man carlin who once observed (slightly paraphrasing) 'forget the politicians. they're there to give u the illusion of choice. u have no choice. u have owners...'
the fact that we live under oppressive orwellian regimes that tout 'democracy', 'freedom', and 'rights' while presuming to have the right to make laws that harshly infringe upon individual sovereinty (the right to control one's own body, one's sexuality, what one ingests, etc.)... or in other words which act as though individuals are the property of the state/(government), is another topic worthy of much greater attention. i intend to try to give it just that in the future on this blog. living under the boot heel of oppressive, dogmatic, puritanical 'authority' has long been a severe pet peeve of mine. it's the very sort of authoritarianism the 'patriot' joe bidens of our world embody and promote.
i'm now going to try to listen to the rest of richard dolan's brilliant 9/11 talk. i hope some of u will check it out too if u haven't already, as it's so informative and interesting. for your convenience, here again is the link to it:
about 40 minutes into this video, while discussing various details regarding the police state law known as 'the patriot act' that was rushed through congress in the wake of 9/11 and the almost simultaneous high profile anthrax letter attacks directed at certain high ranking u.s. government officials (also discussed by dolan in this video)... dolan makes a very interesting claim regarding the current democratic party front runner for president, joe biden (trump likes to call him 'sleepy joe' which i find odd, since 'sloppy joe' would be catchier considering the popularity of sloppy joe sandwiches... i digress). he reports that biden authored a crime bill in 1995, 7 years before the patriot act, which contained many provisions which were very similar if not identical to those found in the patriot act. hmmm..., very interesting. from such tidbits of information one can get a much clearer picture of such a man. he's clearly a creature of the establishment, in favor of vastly increased government power over individuals, vastly increased government surveillance and vastly decreased individual 'rights' (i like to put that word in quotations because i agree with george carlin that 'rights' are nothing more than abstract concepts or government guarantees that can be summarily revoked anytime in case of 'national emergency', as occurred in the case of the infamous internment of japanese americans during ww2). iow, biden's an asshole, a typical elite democratic party politician, in bed with the powers that be: corruption, big business, crony capitalism, dogmatic puritanical religion...
of course, this is obvious from other well known biden facts. he's long been a committed drug war hawk, for example.
u know, i actually don't know or rather can't recall many other specific details regarding sloppy joe's public record at this time. i may have forgotten many specifics but the core lesson learned regarding this pillar of the establishment hasn't been forgotten (more digression called for here: i don't think it's possible to be a high profile high ranking political pillar of the american establishment and not be an asshole. doesn't matter which party they're from, from clinton to reagan, the most successful american pols are very charming charismatic assholes who favor rotten evil policies like the infamous drug war)...
i'm not at all surprised that 'patriot' joe biden is a media darling and favorite among many liberals, touted as the best candidate to beat trump next year. he's someone the surreal powers that be, the shadowy puppet masters of the 'deep state', can feel very comfortable with. someone who can be trusted to not go rogue on them (a habit of trump's which obviously has him out of favor with those powers that be, as witnessed by how the whole 'liberal' media (not counting faux/fox news, obviously) has been unleashed to criticize and attempt to rein him in)... 'patriot' joe, like 'slick willy' and killary clinton and barack obomb'em, is an establishment wet dream.
while biden promises to be an upgrade over the moronic donald trump, i see very little reason to rejoice at the prospect of a president biden. nothing of greatest importance will change much. i'm inclined to agree again with my dead man carlin who once observed (slightly paraphrasing) 'forget the politicians. they're there to give u the illusion of choice. u have no choice. u have owners...'
the fact that we live under oppressive orwellian regimes that tout 'democracy', 'freedom', and 'rights' while presuming to have the right to make laws that harshly infringe upon individual sovereinty (the right to control one's own body, one's sexuality, what one ingests, etc.)... or in other words which act as though individuals are the property of the state/(government), is another topic worthy of much greater attention. i intend to try to give it just that in the future on this blog. living under the boot heel of oppressive, dogmatic, puritanical 'authority' has long been a severe pet peeve of mine. it's the very sort of authoritarianism the 'patriot' joe bidens of our world embody and promote.
i'm now going to try to listen to the rest of richard dolan's brilliant 9/11 talk. i hope some of u will check it out too if u haven't already, as it's so informative and interesting. for your convenience, here again is the link to it:
9/11: the ultimate in cynicism and disillusionment
i'm not going to expend much time or effort here trying to back up the assertion that the 9/11 terror attacks were a false flag event, an inside job, as many have already done so. particularly good is the case made by architects and engineers for 9/11 truth. steel skyscrapers don't collapse due to fire, never have, and if they did, they would not do so in the manner witnessed that day. the 3 towers, including #7, all fell at free fall speed. the only way that happens is by carefully pre-planned, controlled, set up demolition by explosives and cutting of steel girders ahead of time. of course the only way this could have been done, and covered up later as it was, was if it was what i and other 'truthers' claim.
i know it's hard to wrap one's head around this, as it just seems too incredible. it helps a lot if one is already familiar with the fact that official conspiracies on a very grand and seemingly incredible scale have happened in the past, perhaps most notably with the jfk assassination. to learn these things takes a great deal of independent investigation, time, and effort, as the evidence surrounding such events is very voluminous and complex. most sheeple lack the time or curiosity for such independent inquiry.
the most striking thing i come away with from 9/11 is the sheer brazenness and cynicism of the perpetrators, and the extreme disillusionment that comes from the surrealization that they got away with it as they certainly knew they would. they knew that sheeple in general are very easily misled by 'authority', as they have been so very often throughout history. they (the perpetrators) obviously also hold human life in general as totally expendable for the purpose of achieving some larger agenda.
the link below will take u to the best discussion of 9/11 in retrospect and the (not so) hidden agenda that it facilitated that i've ever come across. please check it out.
a few years ago i tried to persuade some fellow local progressives to hold a public meeting on the topic of 9/11 truth. sadly, there was no support for the proposal. as the great comic carlin observed in relation to certain 'inconvenient truths', 'nobody seems to notice. nobody seems to care'.
i know it's hard to wrap one's head around this, as it just seems too incredible. it helps a lot if one is already familiar with the fact that official conspiracies on a very grand and seemingly incredible scale have happened in the past, perhaps most notably with the jfk assassination. to learn these things takes a great deal of independent investigation, time, and effort, as the evidence surrounding such events is very voluminous and complex. most sheeple lack the time or curiosity for such independent inquiry.
the most striking thing i come away with from 9/11 is the sheer brazenness and cynicism of the perpetrators, and the extreme disillusionment that comes from the surrealization that they got away with it as they certainly knew they would. they knew that sheeple in general are very easily misled by 'authority', as they have been so very often throughout history. they (the perpetrators) obviously also hold human life in general as totally expendable for the purpose of achieving some larger agenda.
the link below will take u to the best discussion of 9/11 in retrospect and the (not so) hidden agenda that it facilitated that i've ever come across. please check it out.
a few years ago i tried to persuade some fellow local progressives to hold a public meeting on the topic of 9/11 truth. sadly, there was no support for the proposal. as the great comic carlin observed in relation to certain 'inconvenient truths', 'nobody seems to notice. nobody seems to care'.
Friday, September 6, 2019
a 9/11 appetizer: ani, get your guts out
ani difranco, the famously successful feminist indy singer-musician from buffalo has a recently published memoir. i've read the first 48 or 9 pages, it's very good, opening with a poem she wrote titled 'self evident', which contains many references to the 9/11 terrorist attacks as well as to other political opinions and observations of that time, in verse and rhyme. it's a hell of a poem imo.
here's a youtube video of an impassioned public performance of this poem by ms. difranco in front of a very enthusiastic and appreciative audience. part spoken, part sung, part a capella, part accompanied by jazzy jazz music. it's pretty cool imo (shame there's no video of the performance, tho. Just still pictures, along with the words of the poem displayed). a 9/11 appetizer, with a much meatier full course meal to follow:
here's a youtube video of an impassioned public performance of this poem by ms. difranco in front of a very enthusiastic and appreciative audience. part spoken, part sung, part a capella, part accompanied by jazzy jazz music. it's pretty cool imo (shame there's no video of the performance, tho. Just still pictures, along with the words of the poem displayed). a 9/11 appetizer, with a much meatier full course meal to follow:
Thursday, September 5, 2019
the right to alter one's consciousness
i've finally begun my own blog as anticipated for some time now. new to this and not very technologically knowledgable or savvy, hopefully the idiot-proof nature of the technology will afford smooth sailing for both i and my readers, of whom i hope to have eventually quite a few.
i've been struggling with trying to compose a good opening mission statement for this blog, unsuccessfully for a few days now. perhaps soon i'll come up with one. it's difficult to try to encompass all the thinking behind my perception/assertion that we're living in a dystopian and doomed world (doomed in the sense that our culture is grossly unsustainable, ecologically and environmentally destructive and almost certainly destined for catastrophic failure), and frankly, when trying to do so i tend to become overwhelmed and have to quit...
i anticipate posting regularly and quite frequently, depending on my moods and reader response. perhaps if no one seems to be reading or caring, i'll become discouraged and do so not so frequently...
i'm also struggling with how much self censorship i ought to exercise. ideally there would be none, but of course this isn't an ideal world and when one's views clash as vehemently as mine do with vulgar dogmas and convention, when one hates established institutions and 'conservatism' as much as i'm inclined to, when one's view of the intelligence and sanity of humanity has taken a beating so that one is inclined to very blunt criticism of many individuals and society as a whole, when one sees there can be serious consequences and blowback for indulging too freely in 'free speech'...
anyway, dystopian and doomed is finally a surreality. since my own abilities and knowledge leave much to be desired, i'll frequently be relying on pasting in links to videos, documentaries, articles, essays, quotes, other blogs, etc. to make my point(s). here's a very concise video expressing views which mirror my own regarding one of the biggest unacknowledged reasons behind the so called 'war on drugs', the fight to control individual consciousness, and the oppression of governments which presume to have the right to control how we may choose to alter our own consciousness. i hope u'll enjoy it and come back for more...
i've been struggling with trying to compose a good opening mission statement for this blog, unsuccessfully for a few days now. perhaps soon i'll come up with one. it's difficult to try to encompass all the thinking behind my perception/assertion that we're living in a dystopian and doomed world (doomed in the sense that our culture is grossly unsustainable, ecologically and environmentally destructive and almost certainly destined for catastrophic failure), and frankly, when trying to do so i tend to become overwhelmed and have to quit...
i anticipate posting regularly and quite frequently, depending on my moods and reader response. perhaps if no one seems to be reading or caring, i'll become discouraged and do so not so frequently...
i'm also struggling with how much self censorship i ought to exercise. ideally there would be none, but of course this isn't an ideal world and when one's views clash as vehemently as mine do with vulgar dogmas and convention, when one hates established institutions and 'conservatism' as much as i'm inclined to, when one's view of the intelligence and sanity of humanity has taken a beating so that one is inclined to very blunt criticism of many individuals and society as a whole, when one sees there can be serious consequences and blowback for indulging too freely in 'free speech'...
anyway, dystopian and doomed is finally a surreality. since my own abilities and knowledge leave much to be desired, i'll frequently be relying on pasting in links to videos, documentaries, articles, essays, quotes, other blogs, etc. to make my point(s). here's a very concise video expressing views which mirror my own regarding one of the biggest unacknowledged reasons behind the so called 'war on drugs', the fight to control individual consciousness, and the oppression of governments which presume to have the right to control how we may choose to alter our own consciousness. i hope u'll enjoy it and come back for more...
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