Wednesday, November 6, 2024

and so it goes in dystopia...

to my unsurprise, election 2024 results: full blown fascism on the way with trump and a republican congress. this a.m., the 'journalists' of electronic corporate media are as cheerful and chirpy as ever, demonstrating their utter lack of intellect and comprehension. and so it goes in dystopia...  i'm sure i've posted this 'dumb americans' carlin link before, but it bears repeating:

i can understand why progressives balk at supporting a political party whose only claim to virtue is that they're not as bad as the other 'electable' party. what i can't understand is why they don't abandon that party en masse in favor of an 'unelectable' party that does in fact represent their values and views.

i can't understand why anyone supports donald trump or the republican party. i think it can only be attributed to ignorance, stupidity, and insanity, of which there apparently is an abundance in dystopia.

for anyone who has ever wondered what it was like to live under a fascist dictatorship, i fear many of us may be about to find out.

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