"is it possible we're terrible people?" -homer simpson (lol)
harsh truths are suppressed in dystopia. the terribleness of war. and all the suppressed history of things like lynchings and police brutality and abuse of power (what gets in the media is unavoidable and just the tip of the proverbial iceberg). i could go on and on. what's the use? most don't care and the few who do r powerless like me. i digress.
of course homer simpson is a cartoon character and just about everything he says is unintentionally hilarious, ironic, and occasionally a suppressed harsh truth. considering human history. especially suppressed history, it's hard not to conclude that humans in general tend to be terrible. ignorant bigoted violent deceitful corrupt and on and on. capitalism is an insane and corrupt economic system that rewards sociopaths, enriches and empowers them to rule over us. control and exploit those of us who aren't insane sociopaths hell bent on turning a living planet into a dead pile of money by cruelly exploiting everything they can, including those of us, proles, who aren't like them.
evolution is blind. look at how it produced us, this ecological cancer called civilization. this 'intelligent' species that out of ignorance and corruption and indifference (i'm indifferent!) is ensuring it will soon go extinct.
nobody wants to discuss or acknowledge this, which to me is just another manifestation of how we're terrible.
my social skills r abysmal but that shouldn't matter if my message is factual and vitally important, no one wants to hear it. it's disrespected, disliked, unappreciated.
anyhow, when i heard homer say that, i thought it was terribly funny and also terribly true. homer was just referring to himself and a couple of drinking buddies when he asked that question, but it's easy to imagine it applying to us all. it certainly does to me, too often.
i'm frustrated that nobody wants to read this blog but also perversely comforted by it. for if i had a following, i don't know where i'd lead them. i am powerless, have no control over fate, including that of myself. which is hardly comforting or reassuring. i think this applies to us all, for we're all limited, flawed, vulnerable, and mortal. surely nature will have it's way with us, for nature is god.
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