Sunday, October 15, 2023

pro israel propaganda and silencing of dissent

 if anyone reads my previous post they might be indignant at my assertion that israel's war on 'hamas' (actually mostly defenseless palestinian civilians) isn't justifiable, given the apparent fact that hamas 'terrorist' attacks against israeli citizens started the current 'war'.

i have a couple things to say about that. first, the situation between the state of israel with it's apartheid regime and the displaced palestinians whose land has largely been usurped by israeli settlers appears to be rather similar to the situation which has long existed in america between oppressed minorities, especially inner city blacks, and american police. it's a very one sided and abusive relationship which engenders immense resentment and anger within the oppressed, so it's quite natural that at times such grievances will erupt into violence, like what happened in many american cities in the 1960s.

but this situation is different in that this eruption of violence supposedly occurred unprovoked and to the great surprise of israeli intelligence agents. this is highly dubious. knowing how devious and conspiratorial and ruthless these intelligence agencies are, how fond they are of staging violence and blaming it on others to justify their own violent agendas, i think it highly likely that not only did israeli intelligence know that 'terrorist' attacks were in the works, they probably had a hand in their instigation (via agent provocateurs embedded within hamas) and execution.

this article does a good job showing the extreme bias and dishonesty employed by western lamestream media in their reporting on the palestine-israeli conflict, not just recently but historically:

and here caitlin johnstone writes about the steps israel and it's allies have taken to silence the voices of palestinians and their supporters:

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