Monday, October 16, 2023

israel and anti-semitism

 i've been a 'conspiracy theorist' ever since taking a deep dive into researching the jfk assassination over 30 years ago in the wake of the oliver stone movie. that, and what i've learned since, particularly about 9/11, has boggled my mind. it's convinced me that mysterious conspirators have ruled the world with the help of very elaborate conspiracies designed to mislead public opinion to serve secret agendas that serve a tiny group of elites in the short term.

a prominent aspect of these conspirators appears to be a zealous zionism, or support for the state of israel. does this mean that those at the heart of the conspiracy are jewish? i don't know, it seems to be so. does this have any special relevance? not necessarily.  just like the assertion that america has become a rogue imperialist warfare state doesn't mean that all americans should be held responsible, criticism of the state of israel shouldn't be equated with anti-semitism, although the pro-zionist establishment is constantly trying to make that connection as a way to mute dissent against israel/zionism.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

pro israel propaganda and silencing of dissent

 if anyone reads my previous post they might be indignant at my assertion that israel's war on 'hamas' (actually mostly defenseless palestinian civilians) isn't justifiable, given the apparent fact that hamas 'terrorist' attacks against israeli citizens started the current 'war'.

i have a couple things to say about that. first, the situation between the state of israel with it's apartheid regime and the displaced palestinians whose land has largely been usurped by israeli settlers appears to be rather similar to the situation which has long existed in america between oppressed minorities, especially inner city blacks, and american police. it's a very one sided and abusive relationship which engenders immense resentment and anger within the oppressed, so it's quite natural that at times such grievances will erupt into violence, like what happened in many american cities in the 1960s.

but this situation is different in that this eruption of violence supposedly occurred unprovoked and to the great surprise of israeli intelligence agents. this is highly dubious. knowing how devious and conspiratorial and ruthless these intelligence agencies are, how fond they are of staging violence and blaming it on others to justify their own violent agendas, i think it highly likely that not only did israeli intelligence know that 'terrorist' attacks were in the works, they probably had a hand in their instigation (via agent provocateurs embedded within hamas) and execution.

this article does a good job showing the extreme bias and dishonesty employed by western lamestream media in their reporting on the palestine-israeli conflict, not just recently but historically:

and here caitlin johnstone writes about the steps israel and it's allies have taken to silence the voices of palestinians and their supporters:

Thursday, October 12, 2023

the true face of israel

As usual, i'm much in agreement with caitlin johnstone, this time re. the current 'israeli-hamas war'.  i hate whenever america or it's bff israel engages in criminal wars of aggression which are sold to us as justifiable or defensive by lamestream mass media.  i hate how the public is so gullible and clueless and brainwashed by their government  and the supposedly independent media, both of which are obviously controlled by a ruthless zionist criminal class with the economic clout to get what they want.  i hate living in a corrupt, dystopian, and doomed world.

dude making a difference

 i've been reading a book about a pretty unusual fella i think some of u might be interested in. his name is rob greenfield and the book is 'dude making a difference'. in it he recounts adventures encountered as he rode a bamboo bicycle across the usa in less than 3 months a few years ago. it reads like a diary of the trip. emphasized throughout are the great pleasures to be found in nature and simple living, eating healthy organic food, and being extremely eco and environmentally conscious. the author has a very positive outlook on life, has a lot of friends and makes them easily. when he wasn't camping out at night along the road he often stayed with what had been total strangers who lent him hospitality via a website called 'warm showers' that caters to folks like him. he got much if not most of his food along the way out of dumpsters, emphasizing how much perfectly good food gets thrown out in america, and he crossed the whole state of pennsylvania, west to east, without spending a penny. he has his own youtube channel i haven't checked out yet.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Death in the Haymarket

Computer troubles have prevented me from posting much here this past summer, but they've been fixed and i hope to post more often now.

On the labor day holiday i watched an excellent documentary about the infamous Haymarket bombing in chicago in 1886 and the subsequent trial in which several labor activists including a couple of very prominent and gifted leaders with anarchist sympathies were very unjustly convicted of crimes for which they paid with their lives. This led me to read a book on the subject titled Death in the Haymarket which was excellent and pointed out the extreme inequities which then existed (as they still do today) between owners and workers, the necessity of labor organizing labor, the terrific selfless character of it's leaders, and the corruption of society and it's courts of law which promulgate and uphold inequity and injustice. Following are some quotes taken from the book (top of p. 276):

"They were called anarchists... they were painted and presented to the world as men loving violence, riot, and bloodshed... nothing could be further from the truth. They were men who loved peace, men of gentle instincts; of gracious tenderness of heart, loved by those who knew them, trusted by those who came to know the loyalty and purity of their lives. They had lived for a revolution that would create a society based on cooperation instead of coercion"         -eulogy for August Spies, Alfred Parsons, and 3 other martyrs killed by the state in Chicago on Nov. 11, 1887.

"Their highly publicized hangings seemed to many to be nothing more than a ferocious attempt to silence dissent in America."