Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Manufacturing Consent

manufacturing consent is a book written by Edward S. Herman and noam chomsky, published a few decades ago. it's quite extensive, exposing with sharp factual analysis the role big lamestream corporate media plays in propagandizing the american public, in order to sway their opinions and manufacture their consent for whatever agenda their corporate masters seek, be it support for military aggression in the guise of promoting 'democracy and freedom', support for capitalism, or whatever. i read a significant portion of it many years ago. it further educated me and strongly reinforced what i'd already begun to learn about this topic.
here's a link to a short (less than 5 minutes) animated video narrated by amy goodman about manufacturing consent and how it's basically done: came across this link thanks to the caitlin johnstone blog, which i've become an avid follower of. it's writing reveals a very impressive base of knowledge, a very radical understanding of the role that western (mainly american) militarism, imperialism, and especially propaganda plays in world affairs, and an ability to put into the most eloquent if blunt and at times vulgar words things i and i suspect many others basically have learned, but have never articulated, in part because we couldn't do so nearly so well or effectively. i don't agree with every opinion expressed there, but i certainly share the overall worldview. link to the relevant article:

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