i've only very seldom, in fact hardly ever brought up the following topic before. i'm not sure why. it's certainly a vitally important one imo. my guess is that i don't bring it up because it just accentuates and aggravates the existential alienation i feel towards lamestream society, when bringing it up leads no where (except possibly further down).
i absolutely loathe the way most parents and guardians (an apt term) in america relate to very young children. i'll give u an example.out for a walk recently, i came by a middle aged couple i'm acquainted but not particularly friendly with. in their care were 2 small children, perhaps grandchildren. one was in a stroller, an infant or toddler. the other was a bit older, perhaps 3 or 4, and was walking along with them, full of youthful enthusiasm. one of the grandparents/guardians seemed to be quite unduly alarmed by this, because every time the energetic joyful child got more than about 2 meters away, he would semi yell in a commanding and scolding voice to the child to restrain her from getting further away. it was as if he was trying to instill obedience in a young dog. this was on a very tranquil street, no other sheeple around, no dogs running loose, no wildlife around that might pose any sort of threat, a tranquil neighborhood. there was no compelling need to keep the little tyke on such a short lease, nor to constantly reprimand her for what came so naturally and is so beautiful to see in the young: their joie de vivre.i've never understood or been comfortable with this sort of guardianship exercised by adults over children in their care. i think it's totally flocked up, disgraceful, sick and cruel. why can't we not only allow but at least at times encourage little kids to explore and relate to the world on their own terms at least a little bit in a safe environment? why must we crush their little spirits whilst they're still so young and tender? why must we instill in them excessive fear and restraint? why do we murder their joie de vivre?i consider such behavior abusive. it kills me to witness it on an almost daily basis (i'm sure i'd see it on a daily basis if i was around children more) and not do anything about it, knowing as i do that my sick dystopian society fully approves of this sort of 'guardianship' over young children, and actually looks askance (or worse) at parents/guardians who don't exercise such tight control over their young.i think this compulsion to over-control youth is essential to creating authoritarian, fascist societies. it's crushing their spontaneity, making them hyper-obedient and conforming.it's also a close relative to the 'spare the rod and spoil the child' mentality which has long been the bane of children of 'conservative' religious parents and societies.along with the near certainty of near term ecological collapse, civilizational collapse, and perhaps human extinction (doom!), this dystopianness is the other extremely compelling reason for sheeple to bring no more children into this world. i feel bad for those already here, especially the very young ones who are undergoing the murder of their joie de vivre as i write.this is the sort of stuff everyone should be noticing and addressing, while practically no one is. instead of dealing with such heavy, fundamental problems it seems sheeple, even a lot of the more intelligent and thoughtful ones, overwhelmingly avoid them (as i often do!), so they rarely if ever get addressed, which is of course a necessary initial step in fixing them.i just did a search on youtube for someone talking about this stuff. the following link is the only one i came across that even remotely came close. it's pretty good, actually, as far as it goes, but it totally fails to address the societal reasons why we live in such a control freak parenting culture, or it's broader implications.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGbjT6PCw5Y
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