I've been brainstorming as usual after toking, conjuring ideas to radicalize readers, hipping u to as many dirty dystopian details about this 'land of the free' as i can, trying to put the puzzle together and come up with a reasonably credible worldview of what's going on in dystopia as doom looms, and more and greater dire scientific warnings are issued and mostly soft peddled and/or dismissed by the clueless controlled corporate lamestream media, as well as a largely ignorant and misinformed public sorely lacking in critical thinking / distrusting 'authority' ability, similarly clueless and controlled.
Greta Thunberg is right. I'm blown away by her intelligence, awareness, determination, resolve, and resiliency in the face of mass ridicule from those idiots and assholes who think manmade climate change is a hoax and support the likes of donald john trump, ex president, arguably the pre-eminent american idiot and asshole of the moment.
Another thing i glean from this amazingly precocious and lovely young lady is wisdom. She says that as long as sheeple like she are fighting the good fight, there's reason for hope. Hope is only extinguished when one gives in to utter despair (as i'm inclined to do).
She doesn't think hope is necessary to carry on activism, effectively admitting she has very little if any hope that she'll ultimately succeed, yet she carries on!
She said something else to the effect that she alone can't change the world. She can only do what she can, and hope to be a part of something much greater that can and will change the world. It's a great attitude to have.
When i was brainstorming just now, imagining writing something for a wider audience which would necessitate 'cleaning up' my language, i thought to substitute 'expletive deleted' for 'asshole'. Censorship stifles explicit language, leaving readers to wonder what term is 'deleted'.
This is what i typically do after toking. I imagine writing and publishing to a wider lamestream readership, trying to inform, alarm, radicalize, and break through internal barriers that prevent would be radical rabble rousers from coming out publicly with such blunt/sharp language/honesty. If we're ever going to get serious about saving our world, we must confront and tackle the most dystopian ('conservative' and corrupt) among us with radical truth.
There's a huge and perilous gap between imagination and action here. They are opposites in terms of consequence. I wonder if i'll ever be able to accept the likely consequences of publicly ridiculing/'trashing' americans and challenging them to radically change their views/ways?
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