Tuesday, July 21, 2020

AMBER LYON “How Psychedelics Transformed My Life”

super cool video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLb4aHl2GZ4&t=1824s

richard dolan on conflating conspiracy theorizing with terrorism

this youtube video will be the 2nd one i'll supply the link to on my blog (which nobody reads!) coming from mr. doland. the first was for the talk he gave commemorating the 17th anniversary of 9/11. both of them are tours de force of knowledge, understanding, and controlled passion for getting the truth out to whoever's willing and able to swallow the red pill.
i've always felt there's too much on my mental plate to delve into the rabbit hole of UFOs, so most of mr. dolan's work is beyond me. however, this video along with the other mentioned above suggest that mr. dolan is well worth monitoring, by both friend and foe. he possesses an exceptional mind and an apparent exceptional desire to dig for forbidden knowledge, or at least knowledge which requires much time and effort to acquire... and a great ability to then articulate and convey it in videos.
this knowledge and understanding he's acquired, and seeks to pass on via video, is, as he acknowledged, potentially very 'destabilizing'. of course it is! revolutionary is more like it. for when one comes to know and understand what's going on in the world that intentionally doesn't get reported, and to what degree a very tiny minority of humans control wealth and power, and often conspire to misinform and manipulate public opinion for their own private agendas (mainly the maintenance or expansion of their already grossly bloated wealth and power), when one knows the extended documented history of such conspiracy and deceit, often leading to all sorts of mayhem up to and including major wars... well, one is no longer inclined to trust 'authority', or to blindly obey it (except when intimidated to do so).
'terrorism' is in the eyes of the beholder. to the establishment, anything or anyone which threatens their status quo perhaps creates fear, and thus can be considered 'terrorism'.


Friday, July 10, 2020

mary kay letourneau, 'age of consent'

i had a dream recently. it was peculiar. something set me apart from everyone i knew. i figured it must be my fault, if everyone thought i was wrong about this particular something, and they were right.

when i woke up, this is about all i could recall of this dream. i couldn't remember what exactly it was that set me apart. i wracked my brain a little bit, and the first thing that occurred to me was the dystopian and doomed meme. that must have been it!

but a little later, another, perhaps more likely idea took it's place. an idea even more unpopular and vilified. in fact, much more unpopular and vilified, i think.

that word 'vilified' by coincidence brings to mind a closely related meme. 'vili' was the first name of mary kay letourneau's 'child' lover. the one who impregnated her (twice), and later married her after she'd spent quite a few years in prison as his 'rapist'.

this topic is extremely sensitive to me. i hate 'age of consent' laws with a smoldering passion. i might say a raging, burning passion, but since i must keep such 'perverse' thoughts to myself, 'smoldering' will do.

i hate how governments view and treat their citizens like property to be dictated to and controlled. i hate even more how the vast majority of sheeple not only accept this, but passionately embrace it, and embrace the pseudo ideas and rationalizations and 'morality' that's behind this control. they place artificial limits on us, on what we can openly feel, say, express, behave, in matters most personal. especially sex. woe be it to him or her who has the temerity to stray outside those artificial boundaries, even if it's only to openly reject them in theory.

mary kay letourneau was vili's teacher. he came from a troubled home, and she perceived him as a talented artist and began to take a more personal interest in him. he then became attracted to her, and bet his friends he could kiss her, or seduce her, something like that. he was 13, she 34. she too was dealing with an unhappy home life, unhappy marriage. when he came on to her, she didn't act the way society and it's artificial laws mandated she should. she didn't reject him. they didn't just become lovers, they fell in love. thus, when their relationship became exposed, much to the consternation of many outsiders including members of their families and, of course, the legal 'authorities', and she was told in no uncertain terms that she couldn't see him anymore (or keep her job), it failed to keep them apart. even several years in prison couldn't kill their love, as the fact that they married afterwards attests.

it didn't matter that vili seduced her to the 'authorities'. the only thing that mattered to them were their ages, and the fact that vili was several years below the 'age of consent' deemed by the state to be when humans are old enough, mature enough, to be able to consent to erotic relations. it didn't matter that they were in love, or had 2 children together.

there were no 'age of consent' laws until just a few centuries ago. none were seen as needed, and marriage or sexual relations around the age of puberty was no big deal. the first such laws were loosely based and generally unenforced, as there were no birth certificates so age couldn't be proved and sometimes wasn't even known. the age limits for these early 'age of consent' laws were in the 10-12 years old range, according to wikipedia.


then in the late 19th century, puritans led a drive to raise these ages substantially in a minority of countries. as time went on, these puritan driven laws gradually spread to other locales, no doubt influenced by national 'peer pressure' and that the puritanical nations in the forefront of this movement were also among the most powerful, particularly great britain and the usa. but even today, great disparities in the 'age of consent' exist from place to place, as shown by the map linked below (note how china, japan, most of south america and central europe have ages of consent that are 13 or 14. note also the stark contrast between the u.s. and canada, where age of consent ranges from 16 to 18, and just south of the border in mexico, where it's as low as 12, while in some theocratic muslim nations like saudi arabia, it's against the law to have premarital sex regardless of one's age [no doubt this applies in practice to females only]). this highlights the extreme arbitrariness of these laws, and how they're simply a reflection of the degree to which their respective societies are puritanical and authoritarian:


i strongly suspect that part if not most of the reason that the powers that be have come to strongly promote and enforce these stupid, arbitrary, johnny-come-lately laws has to do with enhancing the power of the state, while disempowering the masses under it's control, making those who violate these laws subject to blackmail along with the threat of imprisonment and immense public vilification as 'pedophiles', 'perverts', and 'rapists'. Not to mention how much this disempowers youth, and strongly reinforces dogmatic, puritanical, religious entreaties to abstain from sex for not only all of childhood, but for many years beyond puberty, if not until marriage itself. It's all about making people into sheeple, domesticated animals not at home within their own bodies, at war with their innate erotic natures. iow, shameful, fearful, repressed, neurotic. All these things are instilled in youth, and last to a greater or lesser extent, throughout the rest of our lives.

a couple of biological facts make these laws particularly onerous imo. biological aging kicks in at puberty, which is also, from a scientific standpoint, the demarcation between juveniles and adults. and the older we get, the less appealing we become (particularly women) and the less sex drive we have (particularly men). so these laws outlaw sex for human females when they're most appealing, and males when they're most driven to have sex. to make a rough analogy, it would be like making it a crime to eat perfectly ripe fruit, or to eat when one's hunger is greatest.

it galls me to no end how sheeple (led by the so-called 'liberal' media who to this day insist on vilifying letourneau as a 'child rapist' and characterizing her 'child' seducer vili as a 'victim'), including even most 'radicals', buy into this sick, evil, and repressive nonsense. perhaps more than any other single thing, it makes me feel like i'm living in a dystopia, an insane asylum where the sickest lunatics are running the show, and like i'm one of an exceedingly rare few that are sane, but who must hide our sanity for fear of being persecuted for it. this makes me think that sheeple in general are just as sick n evil as the establishment that controls them and molds their sick n stupid worldview and standards of 'morality'. in fact, shit like this makes me almost yearn for the collapse of civilization, the extinction of humanity, and all the bullshit dogmatic, puritanical, patriarchal, paternalistic religions, laws, and attitudes that invariably accompany it, arguably to the benefit of only a small minority (rulers) while a detriment to the great majority (the ruled). and to the great detriment of those most unfortunate souls like mary kay letourneau, who just died a few days ago of cancer at the age of 58, with vili at her side, whose lives are torn asunder as a result.

including mine. i spent roughly the first 30 years of my life dogged by fear, shame, and oppressive repression. i've spent roughly the last 30 years consumed with rage and resentment, since i finally figured out what a complete crock of shit all of this puritanical nonsense and hysteria is. and profound, almost (totally?!) overwhelming alienation and isolation from my fellow humans (or i should say my fellow domesticated humans, since i have no gripe with whatever infinitesimal few humans there remain who exist for the most part as 'savages', free from the yoke of civilization). i must even fear publishing this, much like homosexuals must have feared coming out of the closet several decades ago, and still must fear doing so in some places/circumstances to this very day. dogmatic puritans are such brainwashed, hateful, vicious scum!

R.I.P.   mary kay

Monday, July 6, 2020

9/11 truth and everything else

report in today's corporate tv media to the effect that there's a 'wave of murderous shootings' gripping the usa. this report cited only one instance in support: that of an 8 year old girl who apparently was shot in a car by drive-by assailant(s) in atlanta. it then showed a black women lamenting  it, saying something to the effect that 'we can't blame this on the police'.

is that so? why not?

american police have demonstrated time and time again their racism and proclivity for brutality and deadly violence, at least some/many of them. with the support of the whole police establishment, not to mention the whole american establishment. it has also been shown time and time again that police and intelligence agencies will employ agent provocateurs, informants, and other undercover agents to perform a wide variety of dirty deeds, generally to discredit or 'neutralize' their opposition or to stir up support for the police state, and/or foreign wars. 9/11 being perhaps the most shocking and notorious example.

one thing is clear. those who ultimately call the shots in america, and throughout the world that's allied with america, regard the general public as utterly expendable. they have no qualms about committing mass murder against their 'own sheeple'. y would they have any qualms about instigating deadly violence, even against children, if it serves their agenda?

this corporate media report i witnessed was careful not to come out and say 'we can't defund the police, we need them too much, america is too violent without a heavy police presence'. they didn't need to. everything in this report implicitly supported that message, meant for the gullible american sheeple.

corporate media is the slickest propaganda money can buy. law enforcement and 'intelligence' agencies are the most ruthless, deceitful, and violent  forces for oppression that money can buy. the whole american establishment is sick n evil, not to be trusted, only to be feared, and for the wise, brave or foolish, resisted.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

flint taylor, people's law office

flint taylor, lawyer with the chicago people's law office, gives his insider's perspective on how his firm came to be, the fred hampton assassination, COINTELPRO, the jon burge police brutality torture scandal, the murder of Laquan McDonald, and other matters in this superb talk:
