i only know of leslie parrish thanks to her ex husband/lover, the famous writer richard bach, who wrote a lovely love story based on his search for a soulmate and the relationship that subsequently developed between him and leslie in the 1970s. that book is titled THE BRIDGE ACROSS FOREVER. i've read it 2 or 3 times now. sadly, their love story didn't endure...
anyway, after the last time i read it this past year i became curious to learn more about leslie parrish, which i did thanks to wikipedia. it turns out that besides being a fairly successful and famous film and tv actress in the 1960s, she was a very active and prominent antiwar and environmental activist, credited with coining the famous phrase 'what if they gave a war and nobody showed up' and with, along with richard bach and a few other dedicated environmentalists creating a model document to prevent clearcut logging operations in the pacific northwest. today is her 85th birthday. so happy birthday, leslie, and thanks for being a heroine!
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