excellent videos from the real news network which highlight incidences of police misconduct and harassment based upon profiling, and goes on to discuss how ubiquitous this phenomenon is and how psychologically harmful it is to live in a police state in which police officers have essentially unfettered power to engage in this reprehensible behavior. i love how the reporter, taya graham, analyzes it all within the context of systemic social inequality and injustice, and how government abuses power to disempower it's citizens.
there's a lot more videos similar to these from this network (and of course others as well). as i wrote some time ago, there's probably enough videos now on youtube of american police bullying, abusing, and sometimes killing those they supposedly are here to 'serve and protect', that if one had nothing else to do one could watch such videos continuously for months or years. such is life in a police state which leads the world in mass incarceration (and many other negative issues). in such a state, routine encounters between police and citizens are often fraught with well justified anxiety and fear. yet a large proportion of the populace are so brainwashed (mostly by corporate media) that they still think of cops as 'the good guys' and support the police state.