recently a progressive friend of mine cited as fact a claim she'd heard or read somewhere that the russian military had bombed 300 hospitals in ukraine during it's recent invasion of that nation. i don't believe this, just as i doubt just about everything that comes from corporate american media that purports to be 'news'.
i've just discovered a new term which relates to this sort of claim: 'atrocity propaganda'. it's an old trick which has probably been used for centuries if not millennia to drum up support for wars against supposedly evil enemies of all sorts. as it happens, i know of a very good example of it to cite that's extremely well documented, relatively recent, and that was directed mainly at the american public to incite war fever against iraq for the first invasion there by usa forces in 1991.
this involved a 10 million dollar p.r. campaign and the daughter of the kuwaiti ambassador to the usa who was also a member of the royal family. she presented herself as a regular citizen who as a volunteer hospital worker claimed to have witnessed iraqi soldiers stealing incubators from the hospital and pitilessly leaving the babies taken from them to die on the cold floor. she gave this testimony to some sort of congressional panel tearfully and earnestly and it was all just a well rehearsed big lie which got sopped up not only by the establishment media and the american public, but by other supposedly more discerning and trustworthy groups like amnesty international. it wasn't until a couple of years later, after this propaganda bs had served it's purpose in galvanizing public support for an invasion that the truth came out.u can read about it in the short article linked below or watch an award winning canadian documentary titled To Sell A War which is about the same event also linked below. the bottom line being imo that u may have a lot to learn about the pervasiveness of deceitful propaganda that's regularly sold to the public on a whole host of things including international relations which consistently demonize one side or the other. imo, there's been such a thing going on to demonize russia quite endlessly for the past decade, quite similar to other campaigns which demonize other supposedly evil regimes like those of cuba, venezuela, iran, syria, and so on.