Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Little Curiosity Leads To A Lot Of Indignation!

pbs documentary about someone going blind from glaucoma mentioned treatments. no mention of using cannabis, smoking it. read robert randall's excellent memoir about the tremendous legal battle he had to engage in to force the u.s. government to concede that he needed to smoke the dreaded reefer madness to avoid going blind. it's a hell of a compelling story, and an infuriating one...

i thought it just a bit curious (but not surprising) that a pbs documentary about glaucoma would ignore the devil weed as a potential treatment, despite ample proof of it's effectiveness, so i decided to do a google search and see what came up. lo and behold, it turns out that all the most prominent 'authorities' and articles and respected medical organizations find reasons to declare that medical cannabis isn't the best choice for glaucoma treatment. somebody's full of shit and i don't wonder who, for long and bitter american experience has taught me that for certain 'controversial' topics, 'authorities' can't be trusted, even today, as the ongoing war on pot is running out of gas, and as more and more sheeple use it and states legalize it.

i quickly perused some of the lead sites that turned up from this google search, then changed it slightly by adding robert randall's name to it. finally, up popped some non-establishment sites that aren't dedicated to bamboozling the public with stale drug war propaganda about the hazards of getting high and various other manufactured 'concerns' over the devil weed's supposed ill effects on health and well being for chronic users (i've been smoking a very moderate one time daily dose of cannabis for over 20 years to treat depression and insomnia with no apparent ill effects)...

which led me to this little snippet of infinitely appalling american (in)'justice' related to race, incarceration, pot prohibition, and a judge from the bowels of hell (or harvard?) hailing from that bastion of conservative american lunacy known as the state of texas:

and this somewhat inspiring website seeking to end the insane and often racist 'war on drugs:

lots of goodies to be gathered from the november coalition.

all this took less than an hour, demonstrating that in spite of the establishment's efforts to rig google searches in favor of establishment lies and propaganda, the truth isn't that hard to find. too bad so few americans care to find it, or to even look for it!

which also goes to show that in america, a little curiosity can lead to a boatload of indignation at what one uncovers. i wonder if that's why so many sheeple shy away from truth seeking. could it be that they're allergic to indignation, or truth itself?

Privileged And Miserable

i'm so lucky to not have to worry about shelter or going hungry or other severe physical hardships which afflict billions of sheeple in this perverse world none of us asked to be born into. lucky to be in apparently good health at my age, no complaints there (it would be nice to be physically young again, but it's also nice to have experience and knowledge that may fortunately come with age). lucky in many other ways. privileged like few beings in this dog eat dog world, and grateful for it.

otoh, i'm miserable. alienated, lonely, disillusioned and disgusted by so much of what i see around me and in america and elsewhere. so much cruelty, corruption, deceit, delusion, smug ignorance, bigotry, a dystopian establishment that's worst of all. vast supranational gazillion dollar conspiracies, coup d'etats poorly disguised as lone nut assassinations, 'terrorist' attacks staged to frame public opinion in favor of war and 'homeland security' (governmental usurpation of power to keep us 'safe', yeah right!), stupid cruel puritanical legal prohibitions, police brutality, prosecutorial and judicial criminality or 'misconduct' with zero accountability that persists and persists because too few are curious enough to learn about it or too callous or perverse to care that in america, there's no such thing as justice in the so-called 'halls of justice'... framed innocent sheeple capitally punished by a system with no regard for justice or human life... republicans and other conservatives, ridiculous and repugnant dogma ridden popular lamestream religions...

and on and on. anyone as old as me who can't see how dystopian and doomed we are is blind. perhaps that's the biggest part of this dystopia: how sheeple generally are blind to it!

no one gives a shit about my blog or what i think. can u relate? along with all of the above? can u relate? can anyone? is there anyone out there? hello?

i could surreally use the solace of having a few sheeple in my life who can relate.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Orwellian Control Of The Media

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." - CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories.

The degree to which the Cabal has been able to control the mainstream media is hard to accept for most people. By co-opting high level (senior management, ownership) and low level (reporters, editors) staff at the major media outlets in the United States, the Cabal has been able to exert control over the media that most people find shocking. Some of the largest, most respected media outlets (NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time magazine, etc.) have at times been accessories to the crimes of the Cabal by explicitly disseminating disinformation and covering up for the Cabal.

John Swinton, the former Chief Editorial writer for the New York Times, was one of New York's best loved newspapermen. Called by his peers "The Dean of his Profession", John was asked in 1880 to give a toast before the New York Press Club, and in so doing, made a monumentally important and revealing statement. He is quoted as follows:

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar weekly salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

Project MOCKINGBIRD has been a very successful CIA project to control the domestic media in the United States. Over the years, the CIA has spent hundreds of millions or billions of dollars in a very successful effort to control the media. Carl Bernstein reported in his 1977 article “The CIA and the media” that over 400 American journalists were on the payroll of the CIA.