Saturday, October 24, 2020

Assata Shakur

Who is Assata Shakur? Learn more from Democracy Now with Amy Goodman:

Assata Shakur in Her Own Words: Rare Recording of Activist Named to FBI Most Wanted Terrorist List:

Eyes Of The Rainbow - a documentary film with Assata Shakur. only about 40 minutes long, this beautiful film allows her to tell a little bit of her story, interspersed with african musical and dance interludes. I was particularly impressed with what she had to say about living in Cuba, where she has been in exile, contrasting it very favorably with life in the U.S..

Finally, here's a little excerpt from her autobiography.

"Like most poor people in the United States, I have no voice. The Black press and the progressive media, as well as Black civil rights organizations, have historically played an essential role in the struggle for social justice. We should continue and expand that tradition. We should create media outlets that help to educate our people and our children, and not annihilate their minds. I am only one woman. I own no TV stations or radio stations or newspapers. But I believe that people need to be educated as to what is going on and to understand the connection between the news media and the instruments of repression in America. All I have are my voice, my spirit and the will to tell the truth. But I sincerely ask those of you in the Black media, those of you in the progressive media and those of you who believe in truth and freedom to publish my story.' 

I've only read the first chapter thus far, in which she recounts a prolonged brutal, harrowing, and traumatic experience with American police.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hope For Monsters

While the concept of god is somewhat reasonable (how did everything get here?), it's clearly artificial, and varies from culture to culture. How unorthodox one's views are in the matter is generally a pretty good indication of how independently and critically one thinks (or fails to). Shersonally, i have long thought that any god that's judgmental and punitive, such as those of 'conservative' christian sects, is a monster, and anyone who believes in and worships such a god is too, to the extent it colors their thinking and behavior.

This has caused and continues to cause me great consternation. Although i'm inclined to hate such sheeple, i'm not inclined to wish them suffering, for unlike them, i don't believe humans possess free will, and thus shouldn't be punished for 'bad' behavior (being held accountable is another matter). I don't want anyone to burn in hell for eternity.

I don't even wish to see such sheeple dead, because humans are capable of radical change, at least sometimes. A great example of this is Megan Phelps Roper, a woman who was raised in a very cultish christian fundamentalist church which became famous for it's hatred and intolerance. She gradually changed and left her church. In this 15 minute TED talk, she briefly explains how and why, and what she learned from it. I think it's well worth a listen.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Stunningly Full Of 'It'

(this was written just prior to media reports that trump has contracted covid 19)

the great george carlin once said on stage that america was 'stunningly full of... something which can't be printed in a 'family' newspaper, so let's just say 'it'. this was in reference to our founding fathers, most specifically thomas jefferson, slave holder and author of the declaration of independence and it's famous words 'all men are created equal... with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'.

decades of independent thinking, reading, and observation have led me to the same conclusion. here in 2020, after 4 years with a president who has been accused by over a dozen women of rape or lesser sexual assaults, a president who likes to promote himself as a great businessman in spite of having filed for bankruptcy for failed business ventures almost as many times as cats are said to have lives (9), who claims to be a genius in spite of having an obviously limited vocabulary and intellect, who sides with white supremacists, abusive and murderous police officers, and oligarchs of all stripes against the interests of common people... i could go on and on... who expresses admiration for murderous right wing dictators and contempt for activists like those in black lives matter, who smears all of his opponents with labels which often can't be backed by any facts or reasons... who brags about being a tax evader if not an outright cheat...

it's difficult to believe that america's president has ever been more stunningly full of 'it' than right now. it's incredible to witness how broad and loyal his base of support is. one can only conclude that these supporters are as stunningly full of 'it' as he is. which is downright scary.

i think our situation may be perilously similar to 1932 in germany. we may be on the precipice of a plunge into fascism and a right wing paramilitaristic reign of terror such has not been seen in our world since that infamous 'third reich'. a potential nightmare scenario not only for america, but the whole planet.

this brings to mind a quote i don't recall precisely, something like 'for evil to triumph, good men must remain silent'. i'm not entirely happy with that idea. i think it places far too much responsibility on the shoulders of 'good men', when in fact throughout history there have always been at least a few very brave individuals, women and men both, who at great personal risk have spoken out against powerful evil. there have been many martyrs without any substantial, permanent change for the better. yet, that call to action can't be silenced, or completely ignored.

so this is my feeble, pathetic effort to slay evil as i see it by speaking out. living in n.y., a state which is believed to be solidly democratic in this presidential election, i feel free to vote my conscience, which i intend to do by voting for the green party's superb candidate (who happens to be from syracuse), howie hawkins. however, if i lived in pennsylvania, a state believed to be hotly contested in this presidential election, i think i'd hold my proverbial nose and vote for 'the lesser evil', joe biden. i believe what's going on in america, this movement under trump towards a xenophobic, racist, ultra-nationalistic fascist state (with the most powerful military capable of destroying all life on the planet many times over) must be stopped!